say something about ... yourself!


*LOVE* these!! :kickass:
Hey Karen, a good friend of mine I worked with in the AF is getting out and moving to D.C. She's getting a job with the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency, but I'm sure you knew that) and is a VERY avid traveller of the world and is a very big wine buff. I know it's kind of a weird thing to ask, but I think you two would get along wonderfully and have many things in common. If you're interested I could put you in touch with her if she agrees as well. She's originally from San Francisco.

I think you two would get along very well. I know it's a weird thing to ask but it was just a thought.
I've only been up for 3 hours and today already stinks. I almost got broadsided because some douche ran a red light while on the cell phone (funny that it was the same color,make,model as mine), stepped in gum so that my foot sticks to the pedals when I drive, lunch was meh, annnd on such a beautiful day I should have gone to Gettysburg, but I thought I was having lunch with a friend that got sick and didn't come to campus.

On a happy note, there's this cute little spider dude that hangs out by my window. I didn't see him yesterday, but he's back again today. :)