Shpongled Member Aug 30, 2001 13,488 91 48 Apr 9, 2009 #25,761 You still should... I'll tell you if I've heard your joke before or not.
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Apr 10, 2009 #25,762 got 3 hours of sleep and is now wired... and anxiety-ridden.
Morganna Member Jun 20, 2007 4,244 0 36 50 Athens Ohio Apr 10, 2009 #25,763 Dead_Lioness said: *LOVE* these!! Click to expand... YESH! I need to grab some of those before Easter is over. EDIT: Pic did not show up, I meant cadbury mini eggs. heheh.
Dead_Lioness said: *LOVE* these!! Click to expand... YESH! I need to grab some of those before Easter is over. EDIT: Pic did not show up, I meant cadbury mini eggs. heheh.
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Apr 10, 2009 #25,764 mmm chocolate
Morganna Member Jun 20, 2007 4,244 0 36 50 Athens Ohio Apr 10, 2009 #25,766 cadbury mini eggs. <3 <3 <3
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Apr 10, 2009 #25,767 Easter: Pagan Rites stolen by Jesus, flowers abloom, and the delicious chocolate.
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Apr 10, 2009 #25,768 pretty much. i just want a whitman's sampler. mmm. lots of good stuff.
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Apr 10, 2009 #25,769 I need candy now, damnit.
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Apr 10, 2009 #25,770 me too. we need to embark on a quest.
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Apr 10, 2009 #25,771 I think I have Reese's PB cups stashed away. *Goes to check*
Super Mahrio Deeply Horrible Person Apr 30, 2003 8,043 58 48 43 Muspelheim Visit site Apr 10, 2009 #25,772 i need chocolate.....
Morganna Member Jun 20, 2007 4,244 0 36 50 Athens Ohio Apr 10, 2009 #25,773 Captain Beard said: I think I have Reese's PB cups stashed away. *Goes to check* Click to expand... You will not find it. Through the magic of the IRC channel I stole it. It is also how I am able to steal all of your toll house cookies.
Captain Beard said: I think I have Reese's PB cups stashed away. *Goes to check* Click to expand... You will not find it. Through the magic of the IRC channel I stole it. It is also how I am able to steal all of your toll house cookies.
Jace_Mereel Freakame, Freakayou! Jun 15, 2006 6,080 14 38 Where the cows once roamed. Apr 10, 2009 #25,774 I have resses stashed away but am working at the cholcate factory tomorrow, so all choclate devouring will be taking place then. Tonight was ladies night and I took full advantage of it. Yaaay.
I have resses stashed away but am working at the cholcate factory tomorrow, so all choclate devouring will be taking place then. Tonight was ladies night and I took full advantage of it. Yaaay.
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Apr 10, 2009 #25,775 Was there hot lesbian kissing?
WhiteBeastofWotan Apostitutes! May 22, 2003 31,057 123 63 36 Philly Visit site Apr 10, 2009 #25,776 Yeah, Leviticus only says that a dude can't "lie with a man as you lie with a woman", doesn't say anythin' about some lezzie tonsil hockey
Yeah, Leviticus only says that a dude can't "lie with a man as you lie with a woman", doesn't say anythin' about some lezzie tonsil hockey
Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey Apr 10, 2009 #25,778 slept from 6pm to 11pm yesterday... then 11pm to 5am, 5am to 5:30am, 5:30am to 6am
Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Apr 10, 2009 #25,779 Sounds like my "normal" sleeping cycle... Bed 12am....awake 1am.... asleep 1:30am.... awake 2:10am... and so forth and so on.
Sounds like my "normal" sleeping cycle... Bed 12am....awake 1am.... asleep 1:30am.... awake 2:10am... and so forth and so on.
Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey Apr 10, 2009 #25,780 I got 8 cents from Napster... someone downloaded two of my songs... 4 cents a song? lick my asscrack!
I got 8 cents from Napster... someone downloaded two of my songs... 4 cents a song? lick my asscrack!