say something about ... yourself!

left side of my jaw is out
left/middle back is out
right/lower back is out
sciatica is acting up in my right leg
left knee is bruised to hell
right knee is just hurting

god. fucking. god. dammit.
You're a candidate for mechanical replacement parts! if I ever get into mad science, I'll kidnap you for testing. You'll get a shiny robot body!*

*If you don't die from it. Restrictions may apply.
I'll accept a shiny robot body!

All of this shit, other than the fucked up jaw, is usual nonsense for me... just not at the same exact time like it is now. The jaw happens from time to time if i sleep on it wrong or something. I think I have the reason for it now, though... Earlier on, I went to get big plastic bins from the car. While I was outside, it started pouring. I rushed a bit and slipped. The top of my throat/bottom of my jaw slammed into the lid, making me bite my lip and tongue. That's the excuse for the jaw... the rest is just irritating the hell out of me.
Blue-Footed BOOBie

Years ago I went to the Galapagos, those Boobies are totally fearless of humans. Theres a picture of a youngin' me crouching about a foot away from one of the little buggers.