Damn, did you get into a car accident? Get better though.
Try taking a bath or something, I recommend some epsom salt if you have it.
Try taking a bath or something, I recommend some epsom salt if you have it.
You're a candidate for mechanical replacement parts! if I ever get into mad science, I'll kidnap you for testing. You'll get a shiny robot body!*left side of my jaw is out
left/middle back is out
right/lower back is out
sciatica is acting up in my right leg
left knee is bruised to hell
right knee is just hurting
god. fucking. god. dammit.
I don't know what we're talking about anymore.
Did you git it?Blue-Footed BOOBie
Years ago I went to the Galapagos, those Boobies are totally fearless of humans. Theres a picture of a youngin' me crouching about a foot away from one of the little buggers.