say something about ... yourself!

Woke up with the gums around one tooth swollen grape size... PAIN.

Only dentist available today after calling around 30 places... getting a dentist on a saturday? Hard. Getting a dentist on the saturday before easter? I thought I was fucked. He looks really fucking creepy though. I hope he doesn't rape my mouth :/


His name IS Don Bigelow though. Sounds like a no-bullshit quick dentist to me.
Awww Rusty pup! I was going through my cell phone pictures yesterday and found some of him when he was a tiny lil thing.

Took Ramses to the vet today because he had a big lump on his side. Thankfully it's just a cyst. We had to plunk down a stack of money to get a special inhaler for his wheezy ass also, but hopefully this asthma treatment will work. A woman and her child brought a haggard looking poodle mix in, it kept pulling on the leash and coughing and hacking and they were completely oblivious to the dog flipping out. Then it hacked up some vomit and the kid slipped in it. I laughed myself sick.
SO I was right about the lump, at least. I said benign fatty tumor, but they're closely related either way.

In other thoughts: God damn did I have a LOT of scotch last night.
Woke up with the gums around one tooth swollen grape size... PAIN.

Only dentist available today after calling around 30 places... getting a dentist on a saturday? Hard. Getting a dentist on the saturday before easter? I thought I was fucked. He looks really fucking creepy though. I hope he doesn't rape my mouth :/


His name IS Don Bigelow though. Sounds like a no-bullshit quick dentist to me.

Well, that sucked... 2 teeth decided to give up on existence... double molar extraction. 250 bucks. :waah: But, I'm numb as hell right now and I have good ol loratab to keep me company for the next 2 days.
Went to the dollar theater and saw Friday the 13th since it was cheap and I wanted to do something. The theater was filled with droves of mexican children under 10 years of age, apparently all belonging to the same big fat momma.