say something about ... yourself!

Did you piss of an ancient spirit? Remove ancient treasure from a tomb of some sort?

I'm fairly certain I was Hitler in a past life.

Just spent 15 hours going through my grandfather's papers and junk. The man saved everything he ever touched. Receipts from 1974, ANCIENT liquor bottles, empty bottles of mouthwash, rabies tags from dogs that have been dead for 30 years, child support letters from the 50s's insane. It's going to take me at least two weeks to sort through everything.

What really chaps my ass is that the golden grandchild won't have to lift a finger and he'll be the one to get my grandfather's diamond rings and watches and all the neat stuff. I found something that my grandfather had a note instructing that what was in the box was for my cousin, the perfect one. I threw it away because I'm a fucking bitch.
Cool Brooks!!

*oooooummmm ouuummmm....Bad juju must leave Sam! oooummm...*
good so sorry!!

and think happy thoughts!
So got a 20% increase on my salary. Happy I finally got it, even though it's 2 months late, but I still don't think it to be adequate to what I should be at. Been applying to cruise ships the past month, so we'll see if I hear anything back from that. Would be nice, honestly.

I have my fingers crossed for you. I hear working for a cruise ship is real nice. Best of all I don't think you have to spend any of your pay check to live the whole time you are gone.
Oh No Samantha. :( You take care of you. And good for you for throwing away that note. I had to take matters in my own hands with the photographs after my grandparents died. I had half of them scanned in, and just took what the uncles didn't snag on my way to Ohio. They think they have a right to all of the memories. They will not have them, at least until I get them all scanned for me.
hmm, iv a problem...

i kissed this girl last week...and she turned out to be 15yo(im 22), and so last night i saw her again and was drunk so we kissed again... but now my friends are like dude wtf man she 15
...but still im like yeh wathever there is nothing wrong with kissing.

im not sure what to do...

I know you're from the Netherlands and everything is pretty liberal over there, but there IS still such a thing as carnal knowledge of a minor.

You see, the authorities probably won't give a shit that you're kissing her, but let's say you actually go farther than that and fool around a bit. Then let's say you have this overwhelming sense of guilt and decide to break it off completely with her. Welp, then she feels rejected and used and then decides to get you back by going to the authorities and telling everyone your fingers/tongue/penis has been inside her vagina. It doesn't matter if it was consensual; the fact is, you have carnal knowledge of a minor and you will be put in jail.

Stop it before it gets out of hand. Or out of your pants.
Almost 24 nonstop drinking.... had to deal with both of my buddies passing out (luckily one woke up before the other passed out), somehow crowdsurfed and 30 feet up my uh... "crush" I guess caught me with some of my other friends. Stayed up till 6 talking about all kinds of stupid stuff and watching the Sphere on tv. <3
Nah, it was Tigerfest. The university brought in All American Rejects to play a show along with a bunch of blowup things like the giant slide, obstacle course, jousting, etc. We started drinking at a little before 11. Then my friend threw me up on the crowd during AAR. I don't like the band, but they put on a fairly decent show. I'll post some pictures of my friend passing out and us building a beer can pyramid on his head.
I was sure it was Mother's Day today. Lots of stores we've been to lately had been advertising that it was this weekend.

So I call my mom to tell her Happy Mother's Day and it turns out I'm weeks off.

Stores push Christmas further back each year. In 2018 it'll be pushed so far back We'll THINK we're buying Christmas items in season, but in reality we're buying it the year BEFORE.