boooo photobucket resizing. It was way bigger before
In my friend's roommate's room watching them all play NBA 2k9. Hot guy's here. I'm taking this time to catch up on my life drawing.
Well, they act like colored pencils but with a softer lead. They blend well for the most part. They act slightly different when wet. Like... (and I've only used it on one kind of paper) sometimes you can still see the pencil lines and it gives it a different texture. My friend uses them like crazy in one of our classes and she has it down so that it's hard to tell they're pencil or legit water colors.
I just bought the cheap 12 pack Primacolors and have been playing with 'em for the past two days. I'll post a few pictures when I get home so you can see what's going on.
*Can't think straight, Dave's playing that "Big Butts" video.*
Ooh lady, colored pencils are key in my art box, though I know what you mean. My teacher in high school made us work on a packet of colors and combinations to the point where I could tell you obscure color names and the combos just by looking at them. And it was invaluable practice.
These bad boys are great for washes and once tried work well under standard colored pencils. I highly recommend messin' around with them.
Edit: I think you should post some of your colored pencil work.
[11:51pm] <NoLordy> Best antichrist ever: Will.
[11:51pm] <BURP> haha
[11:51pm] <NoLordy> he's not the least bit charming or social.
[11:51pm] <BURP> thats just silly
[11:51pm] <NoLordy> Well, Emily could be.
[11:51pm] <Shannon> I'd make the best anti christ!
[11:52pm] <BURP> haha emily as the antichrist
[11:52pm] <NoLordy> I'd be laughing all the way to hell. Bets twist ending ever.
[11:52pm] <NoLordy> Bets
[11:52pm] <NoLordy> BEST
[11:52pm] <BURP> betsy
[11:52pm] <BURP> you never meet people named betsy anymore
[11:53pm] <NoLordy> "I must fight the antichrist!" "No Emily, YOU are the antichrist." And then Emily was a prophecy.
[11:53pm] <Shannon> When I was 12 there was a girl named Betsy in hambones school.
[11:53pm] <BURP> is there a comic about armageddon? if not, there should be
[11:54pm] <Shannon> I wonder how Emily would take it, if she found out she was the anti christ?
Well, what do you say?