say something about ... yourself!

the little snack cart thing out front of home depot is run by a lady named betsy. she's in her... early to mid-50s, i'd say.

a while ago, will and i were having a conversation with other friends of mine about names that people just don't give their kids anymore - weird "classical literature names" like maude, herbert, agatha ... but then i've noticed that NO ONE is giving their kids "normal" names anymore. people will have their kids with them at home depot when they're checking out and they'll talk to them and yell at them to stop running all over the place and stuff... and the names people give their kids now are just annoying and pretentious as shit:

trace, grange, gauge, piper, parker, payton, tanner, tucker, taylor, reily, raylee, keily, caylee, conner, cameron, carter ... seriously, with everyone from yuppie parents to ghetto teenagers - there is no variation on these names.

... yeah, i know the carlin bit. mine is just the late-2000s version. people don't give their kids real names anymore, just last names
That happens to Laura everywhere she goes, so work is no different.

I do miss good strong names myself. William's a good one, Max (but only if followed by a badass last name like Payne or Pleasure). Josh is kind of a soft name though, I wish I had a stronger one, but oh well. I refuse to go by my middle name. Chris is weaker.
man kreator fucking rule, they're so old yet they still put on a good show, the only thing is their lead guitarist seems pretty bored and not into it. the rest of them kick ass though and only got beaten by exodus on the last 2 songs (toxic waltz and strike of the beast) where they had pits that took over basically the entire venue (the rest was kinda ruined by their singer but oh well).

Exodus made me angry...i dunno...just doesnt sound right anymore..maybe im just a purist...
Kreator did fucking rule! i didnt stay for the entire set (very tired by the time they got like half way through and just couldnt hold getting old....)
Belphegor was very enjoyable actually...
Just got home about an hour or so ago...
a while ago, will and i were having a conversation with other friends of mine about names that people just don't give their kids anymore - weird "classical literature names" like maude, herbert, agatha ... but then i've noticed that NO ONE is giving their kids "normal" names anymore. people will have their kids with them at home depot when they're checking out and they'll talk to them and yell at them to stop running all over the place and stuff... and the names people give their kids now are just annoying and pretentious as shit:

trace, grange, gauge, piper, parker, payton, tanner, tucker, taylor, reily, raylee, keily, caylee, conner, cameron, carter ... seriously, with everyone from yuppie parents to ghetto teenagers - there is no variation on these names.

Aren't you being a little ostentatious? Who cares what people name their kids, and what the hell is normal nowadays anyway?
I truly believe that if people didn't have anything to complain about, they'd complain about not having anything to complain about.
Well, I may just be a hypocrit, but thats is a bit extreme. If you love ESPN then just get a tatoo or something but who knows maybe the child will be proud and love ESPN both his name and the channel.