say something about ... yourself!

Wasting my life away on a conference call for training for some software that looks completely basic. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZzZZZZZZzzzzz.
had a nice after-work nap.

going to see an estonia stoner band tonight, estoner if you will.

doubt they will be good or anything, I just want to use this rare opportunity to see a band from estonia.
car won't start.

i have almost no money left after i pay my dad for getting it fixed less than a week ago. can't get full-time hours at work, granted i'm pretty much just a waste of space there. this pretty much kills the plans i had to see Neurosis with will in a few weeks. fuuuck. need to stop wasting money. barely make any.
car won't start.

i have almost no money left after i pay my dad for getting it fixed less than a week ago. can't get full-time hours at work, granted i'm pretty much just a waste of space there. this pretty much kills the plans i had to see Neurosis with will in a few weeks. fuuuck. need to stop wasting money. barely make any.

I get a $400 - $450 bonus in the middle of May. Don't worry about Neurosis.
It was so hard to track down this dogs owner. And the cunt doesnt' want her back. Being the softies that we are my mother and I decided to keep it. Name on tag was Sasha. I'm stressed though because we're so dirt poor, I'm paying bills, and it's another mouth to feed.

Aww she's cute. She looks like she's more Rat Terrier than Jack Russell, she looks a lot like my Brucie did! I bet she's awesome.