say something about ... yourself!

Went and played with my neighbor's old senile pug that came wandering in our yard. He seems really big for a pug, but was really lovable and friendly. And snorts like a pig. <3

Interview with SGM is up!

Sorry Kevin, I didn't get to ask any of the questions! I had to do the interview on the bus while the guys were all getting ready for the show - the vibe on there was far more serious than I would have thought, and asking questions about burgers and spiders just didn't seem to be in the cards. Lots of good talk on their musical philosophies (weird), their songwriting processes (bizarre), their plans for the new album/film (absurd), and their preferred ways of listening to music (paranormal).


As long as it's free, independent, and stays on the net, I don't see media going anywhere.

It's the antiquated elephants that are having the problems!
What I mean is you will (or at least I did/am) probably get burned out after a while. Enjoy it before that happens!
I went to the doctor today, they wouldn't let me back to work without a note saying I don't have swine flu. Bleh. Anyways, seems I have an ear infection, a sinus infection and a virus (possibly AIDS?!) that are all kicking my ass. *goes back to bed*
Last day of school today.. Finally. Summer.. Although we still have 3 weeks of exams ahead of us x_x And then we will finally be done!
Jeez why do we have to go through this crap? Seriously!?