haha european high schools (or whatever you call them) seem like they fuckin' suck. I've never even had more than one week of exams in College.
Actually its 2 written tests per week
-Ancient Greek
Its gonna be like almost 5 weeks of this crap. Our last written test is on 18 of June.
Talk about major assrape.
Wow, what draconian country do you live in?![]()
That "International Baccalaureate" thing that the frenchies do sounds horrible.
I went to the doctor today, they wouldn't let me back to work without a note saying I don't have swine flu. Bleh. Anyways, seems I have an ear infection, a sinus infection and a virus (possibly AIDS?!) that are all kicking my ass. *goes back to bed*
I see the hippie rocks aren't doing their job, boooo.
Your cases have been kicking my ass. Well actually not so much today, but then Richard emailed me all of the "study material" and test questions for my PI license renewal. I spent probably an hour trying to get all the question sheets printed out, ended up having to print them one page at a time because everything was being retarded.
I started on one of the tests today but what the fuck. The questions are multiple choice but is there just one answer for each question? It doesn't specify and for a lot of the questions several of the answers are correct, or seem so. For the others the study guide doesn't answer them at all. This is bullcrap! My initial licensing wasn't retarded like this, somebody shoot me or give me swine flu.
What is it doing/not doing? What are the symptoms?
Like the eject button? If that's it, you should be able to eject it through your OS.
Well it all started when my computer got hit by a virus and had to be redone. After that the router light blinks like its trying to connect to the modem but never does. I've tried unhooking, and rehooking everything several times.
I think the problem is the "Wireless" light not coming on the router. I figured I could just buy a new one but now I find the disk opener on my grandmas computer is fucked so I wouldnt even be able to put in the install disk.
This computer is soooooooooo slow.![]()
I meant to say the "wireless" light isnt coming up on the modem, not router. My mistake.
Thanks sir. I tried what you said, got into the routers settings and whatnot. Nothing had changed, all the passwords and stuff were the same. My router is probably over three years old now, maybe I need to get a new one.