say something about ... yourself!

Then you can imagine the level of college exams here as well.

You can also imagine why almost every foreign exchange student from Europe is on the Principle's List/Dean's List when they transfer to the states, and seem to have no problem at all with school.

I know people who drank, fucked, and slept their way through four years of school at a state university like it was nothing. Here you'll flunk if you sleep through orientation.
Well it's not like it's 3 weeks of constant exams. It's usually one exam a week, not to mention that we don't just sit a "final" at the end of the year, we have modules. So if you fuck one exam up, you can simply make up for it in the next one. Much less stressful.

Or at least that's what it is like for UK A-Levels (the qualifications you get at 17-18 years old, before going to Uni). That "International Baccalaureate" thing that the frenchies do sounds horrible.
In the 11th grade, my friend made a deal with my Lit teacher that she had to give him an A for the first term if he could recite the entire poem of Poe's "The Raven". He did it twice because she wanted to record it and she fucked up the tape recorder.
Actually its 2 written tests per week


-Ancient Greek

Its gonna be like almost 5 weeks of this crap. Our last written test is on 18 of June.

Talk about major assrape.
Actually its 2 written tests per week


-Ancient Greek

Its gonna be like almost 5 weeks of this crap. Our last written test is on 18 of June.

Talk about major assrape.

Wow, what draconian country do you live in? :lol:
Oooh okay, I thought you were referring to later qualifications.. Yeah that many exams at the level is pretty standard actually.
I went to the doctor today, they wouldn't let me back to work without a note saying I don't have swine flu. Bleh. Anyways, seems I have an ear infection, a sinus infection and a virus (possibly AIDS?!) that are all kicking my ass. *goes back to bed*

I see the hippie rocks aren't doing their job, boooo. :(

Your cases have been kicking my ass. Well actually not so much today, but then Richard emailed me all of the "study material" and test questions for my PI license renewal. I spent probably an hour trying to get all the question sheets printed out, ended up having to print them one page at a time because everything was being retarded.

I started on one of the tests today but what the fuck. The questions are multiple choice but is there just one answer for each question? It doesn't specify and for a lot of the questions several of the answers are correct, or seem so. For the others the study guide doesn't answer them at all. This is bullcrap! My initial licensing wasn't retarded like this, somebody shoot me or give me swine flu.
I see the hippie rocks aren't doing their job, boooo. :(

Your cases have been kicking my ass. Well actually not so much today, but then Richard emailed me all of the "study material" and test questions for my PI license renewal. I spent probably an hour trying to get all the question sheets printed out, ended up having to print them one page at a time because everything was being retarded.

I started on one of the tests today but what the fuck. The questions are multiple choice but is there just one answer for each question? It doesn't specify and for a lot of the questions several of the answers are correct, or seem so. For the others the study guide doesn't answer them at all. This is bullcrap! My initial licensing wasn't retarded like this, somebody shoot me or give me swine flu.

Man, that license renewal crap is for the birds. You're right, the "material" is pretty damn useless, the whole thing is just stupid.

My cases are also retarded. :cry: I figured if they wanted me to shell out for a doctor visit, then I was gonna take the whole damn day off. The injections they gave me seem to be working pretty well, I can move around without feeling clammy and breaking into a fit of coughing.
What is it doing/not doing? What are the symptoms?

Well it all started when my computer got hit by a virus and had to be redone. After that the router light blinks like its trying to connect to the modem but never does. I've tried unhooking, and rehooking everything several times.

I think the problem is the "Wireless" light not coming on the router. I figured I could just buy a new one but now I find the disk opener on my grandmas computer is fucked so I wouldnt even be able to put in the install disk.

This computer is soooooooooo slow. :waah:
Well it all started when my computer got hit by a virus and had to be redone. After that the router light blinks like its trying to connect to the modem but never does. I've tried unhooking, and rehooking everything several times.

I think the problem is the "Wireless" light not coming on the router. I figured I could just buy a new one but now I find the disk opener on my grandmas computer is fucked so I wouldnt even be able to put in the install disk.

This computer is soooooooooo slow. :waah:

Well, the virus should not affect the router, only the nodes that are capable of being affected by the virus' code. There are a few reasons to why the router could not be correctly passing the necessary packets between the modem and your computer. First off, what type of router do you own and how old is it? Routers generally have a lifespan of 3-5 years. Secondly, if your primary connection method is Wireless, there could be a possibility that the Wireless is inactive.

Check your router's wireless settings and make sure that it is active. If you don't know how to access your router's configuration console, in any browser (IE, Firefox, Opera etc.) you have to type in the address of the router. Generally, the router's address is going to be or If neither of these work, do the following:

Go to Start > Run
Type cmd (this will open the Windows console aka command prompt)
Type ipconfig and you will receive information that resembles the following:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
*Note* There may be a possibility that you need to scroll up to obtain this information, especially if you're running Vista. If you're hardwired to the router, the connection will be labeled as Ethernet whereas Wireless will be labeled as Wireless.

The Default Gateway is the address of your router, granted you are behind the router. If you don't have a default gateway in any of the connections listed from ipconfig, the issue lies in communications between your machine and the router. This issue can be caused by multiple things but we'll take on a systematic approach. If the address is a 169.x.x.x address, that is an issue with the DHCP server, generally the router in a home environment (home routers can act as DHCP addresses).

As far as the username and password to get into the router configuration, if you never changed the password chances are that the default username and password are being used. These vary from router to router but are generally admin, admin; admin, 1234; or admin with a blank password. If you need help getting the appropriate information, I can help with that but need to know what type of router you have.

Also, post the information that IPconfig gives you. Don't worry about privacy issues because 192.168.x.x is a class C private address space and is non-routable. People cannot target non-routable addresses because they are used in private networks and packets get routed out of the LAN through NAT. If the address it gives you isn't a 192.168.x.x, a 172.16.x.x-, 169.x.x.x or a 10.x.x.x address then do not post it on these forums because that would mean that you're utilizing your WAN IP.

I'll refresh the page every so often to check for your reply.
I meant to say the "wireless" light isnt coming up on the modem, not router. My mistake.

Thanks sir. I tried what you said, got into the routers settings and whatnot. Nothing had changed, all the passwords and stuff were the same. My router is probably over three years old now, maybe I need to get a new one.

I also tried reinstalling it, obviously with the disk tray not working I couldn't reinstall the modem but I tried the router and everything was fine until it tried to connect to the modem.

I guess tomorrow I can try calling tech support. If I end up having to buy a new one, do they make routers/modems that don't require install disk at least on the computer that has internet?

Thanks very much for all your help I'll check back when I'm off work tomorrow.
I meant to say the "wireless" light isnt coming up on the modem, not router. My mistake.

Thanks sir. I tried what you said, got into the routers settings and whatnot. Nothing had changed, all the passwords and stuff were the same. My router is probably over three years old now, maybe I need to get a new one.

What brand is your router? Also, does your Internet connection just go out every so often for short intervals at a time?

As far as the software for the modem is concerned, it is generally not necessary. That software is usually used for setting your computer up to work with the modem directly, as far as addressing is concerned. I don't think I ever have used the disc that ISPs provide with their modem.

Another edit: Feel free to shoot me a PM anytime and I'll help you out to the best of my knowledge when I can.