say something about ... yourself!

dunno, was hoping you knew

Going camping after work. This is a very spontaneous trip. We just decided to go yesterday. Here's my home for the next few days. I'll have pics of my own to post when I get back.



I wanna go camping :(

So apparently there's a slight chance that Derick and I may get to hang out with Metalized within the next several days, yay :kickass:

And I need to stop picking at myself out of stress and frustration at work. If I keep this up, I shall have no eyebrows left. I guess I scratched a scab of some sort off my face today, as there was suddenly blood running down my cheek for no other reason. Today sucked a lot and then some, to be continued on Monday.

It's been a debbie-downer day. Had to go through a bunch of old letters from the ex to find something. I know WHY I kept them, but I also know I need to set them on fire.

I've been mopey at night like this for more than I think is proper and these days you can't tell if it's because there's neurons misfiring, lack of, or hormones, or because there's a real reason to be upset.

Also, some half-rtard came into work and argued with me about whether or not it was Metallica was playing in the store. "It's not heavy enough" "It's the introduction to To Live Is To Die, wait for it". "This can't be them, I don't like this." "Get the hell out of my store*".

It's gotta be hormones.
*I didn't say that. :(
