say something about ... yourself!

finally graduated high school the other day, it's weird because I don't feel like its a huge deal like a lot of other people do, I've been checked out for a looonnggg time. The good news is I got grad gifts like money and a microwave but the bad news is theres gunna be a huge family party with everyone like OMG MY LITTLE NEPHEW GRADUATED AWW ^_^ and pictures with the cap and gown ughh.

Just take the money and smile all the while thinking, I'm gonna buy a new flying V with this.
My friend Joey's girlfriend had a baby (his) and hes soooooooo cute! and HUGE! he came out like 8lbs and 14.somethingorother ounces! BIG BABY HEUY has arrived!
His name is Xander
Going back to work after vacation is crap. And I'm sicker than I've been in my 6 week long sickness. I see a specialist tomorrow to check if I have magic johnson aids. I apologize once again to Cara for hacking chunks of lung all over her today.
That's ok. I'm so buried in stupid work that I barely even notice. Hope you don't have AIDS :(

And on the subject of work, OH MY GOD I'm getting out of there. I has discussed with with peoples, and have come to the decision that as soon as I have a least a couple thousand bucks saved up, I'm gettingtfo and going to school just like I planned on doing several months ago. Until then I shall cry each night on the train and feel sorry for myself. We are abused.
That's ok. I'm so buried in stupid work that I barely even notice. Hope you don't have AIDS :(

And on the subject of work, OH MY GOD I'm getting out of there. I has discussed with with peoples, and have come to the decision that as soon as I have a least a couple thousand bucks saved up, I'm gettingtfo and going to school just like I planned on doing several months ago. Until then I shall cry each night on the train and feel sorry for myself. We are abused.

Idiots are at every job, they just don't pay us enough. Tho the work is boring and lets me turn off my brain to concentrate on school. I like working with my friends and I'm settled there, tis the reason I put up with it. Come Spring, I'm hightailin' it out of there and going to school full time.
My work ain't boring, it's stressful, frustrating, and a constant struggle to get through some stupid-ass obstacle. No case I have can just be simple and straightforward. It's the Tristars *shakes fist*

I wish I could turn my brain off :(
My work ain't boring, it's stressful, frustrating, and a constant struggle to get through some stupid-ass obstacle. No case I have can just be simple and straightforward. It's the Tristars *shakes fist*

I wish I could turn my brain off :(

They try so hard to make everything seem "professional" and they just retard it up more everyday because they're twatwaffles.
got asked out by three different customers at work yesterday. and two of them were around my age and moderately attractive. wtf? it makes me feel like they're mocking me. it's so weird.

also - i NEED to stop being so bitchy to male customers. i know i'm gonna get in trouble for it one day.