say something about ... yourself!

I'm moving rooms in my house to one that's in the corner and thus has more privacy. Julz and I plastered holes in the wall and painted over the weekend, and also bought a ton of new furniture from Ikea. I'm still in the process of setting it up, but I don't really want to put anything against the wall while the paint is curing, and I need to buy a bunch more organizational type stuff from Home Depot this week, but it's already shaping up to look pretty fuckin' awesome, and pictures will definitely be posted once it's done.

Right now I'm at work and I'm waiting for these stupid old ladies to leave so I can eat my Japanese food.
Mmhm. I LOVE my new bed, and I think the kitty is starting to enjoy hiding under it. I'm also going to install shelves and some kind of metal bar (maybe like a towel rack) on the wall to organize all my fabric, since right now it's all in piles. Hopefully I'll be more productive.
On a less pleasant note, I'm probably going to be taking a semester off from school because pretty much every class is already full due to budget cuts and overcrowding, plus nobody at work will switch days with me, which narrows down my choices even further. I am going to try to get on the waiting list for the sewing class I really want though, so hopefully somebody will drop it. Bah! :bah:
Mmhm. I LOVE my new bed, and I think the kitty is starting to enjoy hiding under it. I'm also going to install shelves and some kind of metal bar (maybe like a towel rack) on the wall to organize all my fabric, since right now it's all in piles. Hopefully I'll be more productive.

You should get a stripper pole instead of a towel rack.
Just sayin.

or something like this
