say something about ... yourself!

so i was lying down, trying to go to sleep, when i just started ... shaking ... like, my muscles were just ... itching beneath my skin, like i needed to stretch really bad, but it was like all along my back and arms and legs ... it still feels crawly and weird along my shoulder blades but not as bad... but i still just feel like i need to get up and flail around to make this feeling stop. i get like this every so often when i'm trying to go to sleep. not just the normal sleep-twitchiness, where i'll be really drowsy and then "shocked" awake by a sudden twitch. this is all over and it freaks me the fuck out.
I think an ice cold Mountain Dew sounds pretty refreshing right about now.

In other news, I am getting internet at my apartment again tomorrow. Yay :)
I'm re-living my teenage years today...I still love this band and this song is still crushing. The vid is recent because I couldn't find an older one.

Tis confirmed that I'm starting back at the pleasant place on August 31st. My last day at GIS is August 7th, so yay, plennnnnty of time for our trip. Yay.
I'm re-living my teenage years today...I still love this band and this song is still crushing. The vid is recent because I couldn't find an older one.

Win!!! Life of Agony is awesome!

Saw Seventh Void and Lacuna Coil last night. good shit for most part! LC still puts on an excellent show. Seventh Void of course ruled with their little set. Had many beers and stuff and now am a little hung over. :rock: Best time ive had in awhile.