say something about ... yourself!

Amazingly, I actually found some traquair jacobite in Utah... strangely enough, it was in the wine store. I bought many bottles.

Last time I had it, I had to get some dude from scotland to send it to me. I am pleased.

Also on the menu for tonight, some rochefort 8's that I've had aging for about a year.
I've been wanting to do a Zombie walk for years, got talked into it last year, but never got any photos... I guess I'll have no choice but to do it next year (missed the annual one already.)
Some participants in the walk were a little more fervent than others...this little mob of miscreants began rocking vehicles where they sat in the standstill traffic, culminating in the TARC driver leaping out of his bus near the end of this video. It was a pretty goddamn dumb thing to do considering how many people were there taking pictures of them in the act...but I must admit that what I did see in person was fun to watch.

Personally, I was at Bearno's drinking at this point. The annoying kid with the mohawk, however, is my brother.

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