say something about ... yourself!


Back from the physical... didn't get the finger, but he DID take a look haha. He told me I'm in excellent shape, nice average blood pressure, and my heart is that of a marathon runner. THAT surprised me, but hey... awesome. Took 6 vials of blood for various tests which I will get the results for later, and also got a tetnis shot. He also said that constant exercise and jiu-jitsu are really good for my lungs (which have collapsed and been surgerized a couple times in the past). Now that little tiny fragment of my imagination that wouldn't let me ignore the thought that jj might be stressing my lungs can fuck off permanently haha. So overall, I'm in excellent physical condition. Rad :)

Also, when he first walked into the exam room and introduced himself (new doctor I've never been to before), I stood to shake his hand and he gave me a fist bump instead, citing the recent swine flu stuff that's been going on. He said he thinks this winter it will affect a lot of people and that we'll see more and more people not shaking hands and staying away from people that could look to be sick. He said he doubts we'll see any breathing masks, but wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Weird.
Fuck fist bumps. The only acceptable jock-like activity that might be a cool alternative is towel-slapping on the ass. That's it. And can people for the love of cchezjinaka stop being such fucking germophobes? Swine Flu has the EXACT SAME symptoms as regular flu. There's even a vaccine for it now. The chance of survival is 98% last time I checked. This is bullshit. Kevin you should've made that doctor choke on your fist for a good few minutes just to get him in line...
I'd be insulted if my hand was avoided for a shake during a greeting. A bump means "I don't trust you" in tard-land.
Fuck fist bumps. The only acceptable jock-like activity that might be a cool alternative is towel-slapping on the ass. That's it. And can people for the love of cchezjinaka stop being such fucking germophobes? Swine Flu has the EXACT SAME symptoms as regular flu. There's even a vaccine for it now. The chance of survival is 98% last time I checked. This is bullshit. Kevin you should've made that doctor choke on your fist for a good few minutes just to get him in line...

I am blown away by your masculinity. I think I'm gonna go put on a tutu.
These days I tend to be "that annoying fucking cunt crowdsurfer". Circle Pits are usually a laugh though, the ones for Machine Head at Wacken were fucking huge, had a blast at that show and I don't even like Machine Head that much.

Then prepare for me to toss you across the crowd.

Seriously,I hate crowdsurfers.
I don't think anyone has a problem with elegant young ladies of the the lower echelons of the weight category getting thrown around above their heads, rather it's the topless, greasy, portly gentlemen who's jeans are having problems covering his entire rear.