say something about ... yourself!

Decided to quit Best Buy and just work on my friends horse ranch 5 days a week. I'll only get $100 a week, but if it means little to no supervision, flexible hours, not too many hours, and no retail bullshit I consider it a bargain.
So I got a voicemail from my mom (rare occurrence) and called her back while I was riding my longboard down Melrose, which is a road right above I-5. Basically there's a concrete wall on the right side of I-5 north that goes straight up about 20 feet. At the top is Melrose, which runs perpindicular to the freeway. My mom says she's on her way to the University of Washington for one reason or another (another rare occurrence that she'd ever drive through Seattle), and that she just passed the building I work in, which is very close to Melrose. Since you can see the freeway from where I was, I told her to look up to her right and look for me. She didn't see me, but I saw a car that looked like hers with a pink piece of paper in the dashboard. I asked her if she had something pink on her dash and she said "YES! MY PARKING PASS FOR WORK!!" I laughed at the completely random coincidence and smiled my first smile of the day, all the way back to work :)

edit: I also just got the new Infected Mushroom album :)
Actually got a surprise gift from work, case of bud light lime (she didn't realize i hated the stuff) and a nice leather money clip. Free beer is exactly that. Free. Especially since in BC beer is a lot more expensive than it s in the states.
Any alcohol up here is. It costs me more to be an alcoholic than it does a pothead... sadly being both, I never have any money.