say something about ... yourself!

I usually have two or three days off in a row during the week so I wanted to go up to Gettysburg by myself and just putz around like my dad used to do. Then he just told me a story about how he was in the Wheatfield by himself (back before the movie or the Burns documentory made it famous). He was walking through the field around 3pm, same time the soldiers did, and in the middle of this wide open field something slammed into his leg. He said it felt like he got shot, since it wasn't a thud like a punch. Apparently he had a small red spot on his leg for about a week and everyday it got bigger and bigger to the point that he was thinking of going to the hospital. After he got back from a business trip, the redness was going down, but the small mark stayed on his leg for about a year when it finally faded away.

I don't know if I want to go to Gettysburg by myself anymore.

The End.
Just bought two Beatles Mono boxes, with the sole intention of selling one at a hyper-inflated price next week, when distracted rich baby boomers realize they missed the boat and will pay anything.


I wanted to do this but failed. It's not too late but I put the funds elsewhere. I'm going to be one of those tools that pays a shitload next year :(
Rocked with a couple friends today at Studio Seven. It was fun, we actually practice in the same room at S7 my old band did. Felt great to rock again.

The shitty part was coming out to find my truck had been broken into while I was inside. Goodbye CD player, goodbye longboard :(

Oddly enough, that was ALL they took. It had to be an ultra fast job because it was light out and I legitimately cannot think of anything else they could have taken.

Oh and they got the 75 cents or so out of my ashtray/coin jar.
I got a DUI back in 2005, not a pleasant experience. What are the laws like in your state?

1st offense is usually not much. I have court on the 16th but I now go to counseling (that was my own choice). I'm probably going to get fined at around $700 and I'm sure I will be taking the 8 hour DUI class. When I get my alcohol evaluation I'll probably end up taking more stupid classes. Anyway now I stay sober this was a kick in the nuts. ISO cell for 10 hours on cold cement without mattress or pillow really took it's toll on my back. They were so busy they didn't get around to getting us one. 1 day in jail is enough for me.
1st offense is usually not much. I have court on the 16th but I now go to counseling (that was my own choice). I'm probably going to get fined at around $700 and I'm sure I will be taking the 8 hour DUI class. When I get my alcohol evaluation I'll probably end up taking more stupid classes. Anyway now I stay sober this was a kick in the nuts. ISO cell for 10 hours on cold cement without mattress or pillow really took it's toll on my back. They were so busy they didn't get around to getting us one. 1 day in jail is enough for me.

So are you doing a deferred prosecution? I was going to go that route but my attorney said not to due to me blowing under a .15, which was the threshold at the time. All I know is I got my DUI dropped to a Reckless Driving which meant having an SR-22 for 3 years.

I did have an evaluation done to determine whether I needed counseling or not. You have to be on your fucking game for them because they will take any opportunity to trick you into saying something remotely related to your alcoholic habits. When I had my eval done, the chick made me answer questions while filling out paperwork, to try to get me to slip. Then when she realized that failed, she said that she would help me do some paperwork. She asked how I spelled my last name and I told her. My last name is Raniero, which is very similar to Mt. Rainier or anything related to Rainier. I told her it's like Rainier but without the first 'i' and with an 'o' at the end. She then said "Ahhh Rainier? Rainier beer!" in which I replied "No, like Mt. Rainier.". This is just to show you that they will most times try to fuck with you.

So I passed and didn't have to go through treatment. All I had to do was take the 8 hour ADIS (Alcohol/Drug Information School) that you were probably talking about. From what I remember, it's simple shit. You just watch some videos and bullshit. I was actually hungover when I went into mine.

All and all, I got my license suspended for 30 days, paid a total of about $1,000 (maybe a little less), carried an SR-22 for 3 years, went to the 8-hour class and spent 24 hours in jail. The judge sentenced me to 24 hours in jail but I didn't have to spend it due to time served. Like you said dude, 1 day in jail is enough for a lifetime.

Hopefully my little story helps you out at your evaluation. Just be sure to be on your guard and maybe consume caffeine to help you focus. Treatment is not cheap from what I've heard from friends. I don't know how your state laws work but here (at least back in early 2005), if you pass the evaluation and it is found you don't have an alcohol problem, you don't have to go through treatment.
I blew a .202. But It got reduced to a .194 because I wanted blood drawn to get it as low as I can. I see what your saying though. I don't feel like I need treatment I'm doing mental counseling on my own because I know that is what I need anyway.