say something about ... yourself!

Needs 3000 dollars worth of dental work. WTF. Brushing and flossing everyday obviously do NOTHING.

What the hell? Then I must need $10,000 of work done :loco:

Just got back from my interview at the gym. It went well, seems like a great job except they only pay $6.50/hr + commission. The manager tried to assure me everyone makes plenty of commission, and without having to try very hard at that. So...we'll see. I applied for the front desk position only, but of course, after looking at my resume they asked if I'd be able to work in the kids' room too. Sure, why not.

A call back is expected on Monday or Tuesday. I might take it, even if convenience and enjoying my job means less money.
Money doesn't mean anything if you hate spending most of your week at a place you hate.

Plus, if you work at a Gym you can start to hulk-up and I for one love body building women.

What the hell? Then I must need $10,000 of work done :loco:

Just got back from my interview at the gym. It went well, seems like a great job except they only pay $6.50/hr + commission. The manager tried to assure me everyone makes plenty of commission, and without having to try very hard at that. So...we'll see. I applied for the front desk position only, but of course, after looking at my resume they asked if I'd be able to work in the kids' room too. Sure, why not.

A call back is expected on Monday or Tuesday. I might take it, even if convenience and enjoying my job means less money.
do you have to sell memberships?

take the job on the kids' room! kill them!! :heh:
nope, memberships are handled by a group of membership sales people exclusively. it's kinda creepy. you walk in, there's the front desk, there's the gym equipment, then off to the left are a bunch of cubicles with these sales people!
that's the same way golds' gym was laid out. it's like ... the people at the front desk don't care about you until after you've been to one of their little cubicles of doom.

i just remembered when i was offered a job at the gym, i could either work the front desk and get a flat-out amount of pay or sell memberships and get such and such with commission. what kind of commission would you get working the front desk if you weren't selling memberships? how many people you help a day or something?