say something about ... yourself!

Gonna go and try to enroll for some classes tomorrow. I know I'm going to have to take a placement test. Just took a practice math test and.........I suck. I haven't thought about any advanced math since 10th grade when I finished my high school math requirements. Ha!
I spent too much money this weekend. I bought a 42" 1080p LG LCD T.V. to replace my 32" 720p LCD T.V. that I use as my primary computer monitor, a 1.5TB hard drive, a Logitech G9 mouse and a new case. I installed Windows 7 x64 last night and am installing shit as I work and do homework.

I'm too fucking busy.
So about an hour ago I stepped outside for some fresh air when I noticed something looking like a small black pillow underneath the railing at the end of our street (we live at the end). Picked it up and it was a wet, swollen wallet belonging to a Mexican dude. Only ID was an expired greencard with a Dallas address. No money or anything unusual. There was a train pass from 9/24. Looked like it had been rained on for at least a couple of days. Just dropped it off at the police department. Behind the railing is property belonging to the railroad. It's all so overgrown that you wouldn't know there was a body out there until you smelled it, or went looking for one. Now I want to go exploring beyond the railing, but I could get in trouble because it's not our property and could be tampering with evidence if there is anything out there.

Probably nothing. But! Let's recall my Facebook post from 9/29!

"Cara Taylor was awakened very early this morning by what sounded like a woman or a child wailing in the street, almost in hysterics. Got up, went outside, and there was nothin'. Totally quiet. Went back to bed, didn't hear it again. I know I'm not crazy, Derick heard it too! ewwwiirreeds"

So about an hour ago I stepped outside for some fresh air when I noticed something looking like a small black pillow underneath the railing at the end of our street (we live at the end). Picked it up and it was a wet, swollen wallet belonging to a Mexican dude. Only ID was an expired greencard with a Dallas address. No money or anything unusual. There was a train pass from 9/24. Looked like it had been rained on for at least a couple of days. Just dropped it off at the police department. Behind the railing is property belonging to the railroad. It's all so overgrown that you wouldn't know there was a body out there until you smelled it, or went looking for one. Now I want to go exploring beyond the railing, but I could get in trouble because it's not our property and could be tampering with evidence if there is anything out there.

Probably nothing. But! Let's recall my Facebook post from 9/29!

"Cara Taylor was awakened very early this morning by what sounded like a woman or a child wailing in the street, almost in hysterics. Got up, went outside, and there was nothin'. Totally quiet. Went back to bed, didn't hear it again. I know I'm not crazy, Derick heard it too! ewwwiirreeds"

OMGOSH! Thats so creepy to think about, Cara! I hope its just nothing.

There's our driveway with the railing off to the left.

X marks the spot.

And here's this overgrown area past the railing. Beyond those trees is a hill that goes down to a creek, and then down from the creek are the railroad tracks.


I always feel creeped out just getting out of the car after a night out. Wish our front yard had a fence separating us from the creepiness haha.
I would end up falling down the hill if I took the puppy monster along :loco:

My dad and I might go and look though. More than finding a dead body, I fear stepping on a snake :erk:
"Cara Taylor was awakened very early this morning by what sounded like a woman or a child wailing in the street, almost in hysterics. Got up, went outside, and there was nothin'. Totally quiet. Went back to bed, didn't hear it again. I know I'm not crazy, Derick heard it too! ewwwiirreeds"

no doubt there is a headless mexican corpse just beyond those bushes. shouldnta fucked with the cartel!

Clean off your Calvin and Hobbes with that microfiber cloth, fucker.
seriously, such treatment of classic literature is a crime! it also appears as if the box may be upside down, though the books are not...o_O
We have found a new kitty! There have been two strays that have been wandering around our yard for the past month. One of them is, i believe, male and has white markings. He hangs out in the neighbor's yard on the left side. That neighbor has been feeding him i think. Theres another who looks remarkably like my old kitty, Simon, who disappeared in April. The male cat has made himself known, and i believe has been trying to battle for territory. The other is the one we've been trying to win over. We've been leaving out food for the stray, and it's been coming usually when its dark and eating. This has been going on for about two weeks. Well tonight, the Simon lookalike has come and this time it didnt run away at the sight of us. It looked at me and meowed so i gave it some food. It let me touch it and after careful examination, its a female! Since she looks so much like Simon only much younger and fluffy, we dubbed her Simone. She's covered in stickers and has some mats on her fur, and that indicates shes been living as feral for some time. She appears to be about a year or two old. She became very friendly to the point of rubbing all over and even climbing into my lap! Shes real sweet but doesnt seem to like to be picked up. (atleast not yet.) She doesnt appear to be underfed but we may have a theory that the supposed cat fights that have been taking place isnt necessarily for territory as much as maybe mating rights. Perhaps she is actually pregnant. At any rate, shes pretty much our new adopted kitty.