say something about ... yourself!

I think I got a promotion that I had already said no to. Over the last month my duties have increased and I've become the office trainer and go-to team lead for my group since we're on a different floor. Then today I get a call from my boss that I'm getting an extra 300 a month from now on and not to tell anyone cuz no one else is getting a raise this year. wtf. I'm glad for the money but I've been training a retard for three weeks now and I'm most likely going to kill him soon. I've already said I have no desire to supervise anyone but looks like they're determined to give me more shit to do. Oh well.

Still haven't heard from the funeral job but they don't seem to be too quick to do anything, it took them almost 2 months to call about my resume. I'm still not counting on it seeing as how I lack that license. But Peter should be a full fledged officer in the next few months so we'll have enough money for me to quit and go to school full time so yay.
Yay kitty for Mah!

Yay quitting for Samamfa! Lol that sounds just like something they'd do. Oh well, at least it's some extra money for now! And you have a vacation soooooon :)
I am now a college student, yay! Decided to go to the community college in downtown Dallas rather than the one in North Irving, as it's easier to take the train downtown, plus it's free for the students. Taking my placement tests next Monday, then I have to wait til November to register for classes. It's all coming together though :)
Taken last night, but this sums up how I feel about it:


Holy crap that's the most excited I've ever seen you!
Went to a car dealership to redeem one of their scratch off thingies but since we had thrown the right numbers away, I didn't win anything. BUT because I'm a Star Wars fan, the head guy gave me a $5 Walmart card which I will use to buy something SW.

So being a SW nerd DOES pay off. Take that nurgatrons!
John!! Your buddy from the meat party, Dave, is moving to Houston pretty soon! :)

Cara I was just thinking about him the other day and how cool he was! Is he on Facebook? Let me know when he does! And what part of Houston! :)

I was seriously going to try to go to Dallas around Halloween time but wouldn't you know it, I have more car trouble. -_-
I sent you a friend suggestion on Facebook to add him :)...or maybe the suggestion went to him. Not sure how that works :loco:

I think he's moving later this month! Not sure what part of Houston. He works on ATM machines and his company is moving him down there. Seems to be a pretty good job. Get in on it! :D
Wootbees, Cara! Good luck with the schoolings!
Im gonna go see Zombieland! tomorrow if its the last thing i do!

Thanks Mah! *bosoms*

Riding the train downtown today, I was reminded that there are some really, truly, CRAZY people. Two train operators got on the light rail, either going to work or going home. A girl asked them if they were going to check our tickets, he said no that they were just train operators. Then this strange Mexican guy across from me whips out his reduced pass and starts yammering random things about it, while looking right at me. Then he started talking about how he shaved his head so they wouldn't recognize him. He had a very hispanic accent and I couldn't understand him completely, but I think he also talked about shaving his unibrow :lol:

Note to self: NEVER get on the train without the earbuds in. Open ears = 99% chance of having a weird person try to talk to you.
Thanks Mah! *bosoms*

Riding the train downtown today, I was reminded that there are some really, truly, CRAZY people. Two train operators got on the light rail, either going to work or going home. A girl asked them if they were going to check our tickets, he said no that they were just train operators. Then this strange Mexican guy across from me whips out his reduced pass and starts yammering random things about it, while looking right at me. Then he started talking about how he shaved his head so they wouldn't recognize him. He had a very hispanic accent and I couldn't understand him completely, but I think he also talked about shaving his unibrow :lol:

Note to self: NEVER get on the train without the earbuds in. Open ears = 99% chance of having a weird person try to talk to you.

Agreed. Train people are often batshit crazy. Between schizophrenic guys yelling at nothing to Samoan gangbangers getting angry at white ladies who carry their poodles around in strollers(and who yell back at them in ebonics) I have had my own crazy.