say something about ... yourself!

It's packed away with all my action figures' sabers and guns since college. I didn't want people coming to the dorm/apartment and messing with them, which has happened.

He's really cool in that his torso turns and it lights up the lightsaber. :D

True dat. When I was studying I had to lock all the valuables in a cupboard everytime I left the room, because some eejit always broke/stole/moved something.
i just compulsively rearrange my books, of which there are many. people are often startled when coming into my room for the first time. i don't think i've ever posted pictures of all the bookshelves...

*wants cookies from Shannon*
So I took a nap in school today, only managed to sleep for a few minutes, but when I woke up, I saw another student staring at me and masturbating.

I was terrified.