say something about ... yourself!

What time should I get to Ashland?

Try between 10 and 10:30. If you get over here first, then we'll just hang out at my house until Emily get there. If she get's here first then we'll just swing by the station and be on our way. We're taking the train from Hamilton to Penn station.. It's about 45 minutes away.
Yeah,man. I'm looking forward to that as much as the con. How well do you know the subway systems over there? I have a rough idea of where we need to go.
Well, the con is at Pier 94 which is at 54th st. and 12th avenue. I know to take the C train to 50th and we have to walk from there. I'm just not sure where to catch the C train at. Eh, I'm not worried. I'm sure someone around will know.
Sick again! Now my OTHER tonsil is all jacked up, just like the other one was - red, swollen, sore, with a white blister on it. Plus, I really feel like I have the flu on top of it. I feel like crying, I'm so tired of being sick :(

And I have a rash, that I think was brought on by the antibiotics I took for my tonsillitis a couple of weeks ago.
Blah. A friend of a friend is looking for another home for his gorgeous Great Pyrenees and said if he can't find a home by the end of the weekend he's going to "drop him at the pound". He's up on craigslist and I was searching through all of the listings's heartbreaking to see so many pups and kitties that people are trying to get rid of. I want this doggie so badly but we just don't have the space for another dog until we get a bigger house/yard. He's so pretty and I'm so sad.
Sick again! Now my OTHER tonsil is all jacked up, just like the other one was - red, swollen, sore, with a white blister on it. Plus, I really feel like I have the flu on top of it. I feel like crying, I'm so tired of being sick :(

And I have a rash, that I think was brought on by the antibiotics I took for my tonsillitis a couple of weeks ago.

It sounds like you need a Great Pyrenees! :oops:

Seriously tho, you have teh AIDS. You and Tina, hahaha. I was talking to Kadarrius tonight and he mentioned her and was like "ewwww girl, she just nasty lookin'!" lolz
Aww, yus I saw your text. I would luff to have one of those as a big snuggly house dog! Not gonna happen in this house though haha, plus we have trouble giving Rusty enough attention as it is :(

Lol, Tina always reminded me of the nasty sick sister in Pet Sematary. Observe:

IT'S HER! :lol:
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^^^OH SHIT! that scared me so bad as a kid!
Awww Cara *bosoms* I sorry. I certainly know what its like to be AIDS ridden. I had alot of issues with my tonsils back in the day. Has your doctor said anything about removing them?
Nope. I've only actually gone to the doctor because of them twice. And it is my understanding that removing tonsils from adults is frowned upon except in extreme cases. My case probably doesn't qualify as extreme. Apparently the removal is rougher on adults than children.
Set up shop in the living room as not to disturb Derick with my groanings and thermometer beepings all night. Plus, this means less distance to drag me out the door when I become delirious :loco:

When I swept off the cot there was a very large spider on it :erk:
Nope. I've only actually gone to the doctor because of them twice. And it is my understanding that removing tonsils from adults is frowned upon except in extreme cases. My case probably doesn't qualify as extreme. Apparently the removal is rougher on adults than children.

I had mine out at 18. It wasnt that bad. My case was probably considered "extreme" though. Mine would swell up and hurt real bad. Doctor had to take a needle ( a really big one at that!) and drain out nasty stuff out of the tonsils. He did that twice and said "You need them removed."
If this is happening to you consecutively, i think the docs might say, "Yo, removal time." Chronic tonsillitis is horrible!
Also ewww spider! I sorry Cara!