say something about ... yourself!

in my parents bathroom pooping. there is a new cat in here, not even sure where it came from. it's trying desperately to get in my lap while i'm pooping.
I have a new best friend!

I almost fell asleep at Dragonforce on would have been nice to curl up in the bar and sleep...

You know, if I hadn't experienced it first hand with Arsis "I was running on two hours from the night before", I would have said everyone who makes this statement is full of shit and it isn't practical.

But gosh you can fall asleep at concerts. Standing up, no less.
I did touch them, and we made out. I didn't hit it, sadly. She told me to keep my hands above the waist.

All credit goes to "Penetrating The Game" by Neil Strauss. All I had to do was "neg" her a few times and it was on. I should mention she was drunk though, and when I saw her again today she pretended "yeah right, she remembers. She was tipsy but not wasted." she couldn't remember what she did when she was over here.

But drunk or not, makes no difference to me.

hahaha, awesome
Nutslap! I randomly saw your Myspace profile a while back whilst browsing friends of friends. And it wasn't through John, either. Just sayin, just postin.
I have no idea what to wear for Saturday. And my "Your Empire Needs You" shirt is way too short.
In other news, I managed to get one of the sensor buttons stuck under my fingernail yesterday and it's killing today. Ouchers.

Would it be unrealistic to ask you to be at my house by 10am?