say something about ... yourself!

Tonight I'm going to dress up as and party like Dimebag Darrell. Spent the last week or so putting together a costume that turned out a lot better than I initially thought it would. This is gonna be fun :D
Off to lake tahoe!





Later suckas!
I'm sitting in an old friend's apartment in Cotati...Thinkin' about hunting down a snowball plecostomus tomorrow..
i used to live in cotati
really? There really isn't much too this place, hrm.

Question for the board:
I'm currently dealing with gradually increasing nausea, insomnia and loud ear ringing. Thank you, Bupropion?

Does anyone else here take/have problems with this stuff. :cry:
I take trazedone for insomnia, works decent enough. Store brand sleeping pills make me have to piss every 30 seconds...

Nausea is a serious problem for me, and has gotten a lot worse in the last few months. Weather I'm on any medication or not. I get nauseous at work a lot, and lately it's preventing me from playing video games or reading. :(

Oh, sorry. I was going to say, I've been on so many meds I can't keep track of them. But I think I took that one you mentioned. Or was it Buspar? Hmm...
I take trazedone for insomnia, works decent enough. Store brand sleeping pills make me have to piss every 30 seconds...

Nausea is a serious problem for me, and has gotten a lot worse in the last few months. Weather I'm on any medication or not. I get nauseous at work a lot, and lately it's preventing me from playing video games or reading. :(

Oh, sorry. I was going to say, I've been on so many meds I can't keep track of them. But I think I took that one you mentioned. Or was it Buspar? Hmm...

They recommended I take Buspar for general anxiety disorder I think but I didn't like the sound of it so I just have a benzo for when I absolutely need it (I try to take it as little as possible though because that shit reallyyyy fucks your head up)

I've been having epic problems with restless leg syndrome though so I'm seeing a doctor in a bit to see if they have anything I can take on the spot and not have to take every day since I don't like the idea of taking a pill every day unless its absolutely imperative for health. I hear they sometimes prescribe ********, that would be nice :lol:
edit:lawl the edited the medicine I was posting? ooook
Yeah, must be that one. Good call not taking it, doesn't help a bit. Granted if you have GAD like I do, nothing is going to help you.

I dunno man you might want to talk to your doctor about Klonopin. I've seen before you've been taking bars and that shit is just short acting and puts you to sleep/fucks you out of your mind. Klonopin lasts a really long time (like 6 hours or more) and just makes you really chill. If you take too much then yeah you're fucked up but if you take just the right amount you're chill and not anxious, it really helps. The only problem would be tolerance (I don't take any benzos often so I don't get a tolerance) because if you have to take it every day it would rise pretty fast.
They're really hesitant to give me benzos, as a result I've tried just about every other anxiety medication on the market. But I'm going to a new place in a month or two, I'll ask about it. Thanks!

I should correct myself also, the handlebars definitley help. But that's the strongest benzo there is, I think. 2MG a pill, takes about 3 pills for me with a fresh tolerance and no alcohol. Thing is, I think handlebars are made in Mexico and smuggled up here. Depending on the color I've heard they're not even made by the Xanax company. I've been off them a good long time, though. Not because they make me act like an idiot, but they're expensive.
They're really hesitant to give me benzos, as a result I've tried just about every other anxiety medication on the market. But I'm going to a new place in a month or two, I'll ask about it. Thanks!

I should correct myself also, the handlebars definitley help. But that's the strongest benzo there is, I think. 2MG a pill, takes about 3 pills for me with a fresh tolerance and no alcohol. Thing is, I think handlebars are made in Mexico and smuggled up here. Depending on the color I've heard they're not even made by the Xanax company. I've been off them a good long time, though. Not because they make me act like an idiot, but they're expensive.

Yeah I've tried Xanax and honestly it's the worst for actually treating anxiety, it just makes you sleepy and dumb like a zombie. Klonopin just makes you chill and relaxed for like 6 hours if you do it right, really they should use that to treat general anxiety disorder but I guess xanax is good for random sporadic panic attacks since it works faster and is short duration.
Damn, you really have me convinced. I'll get ahold of it in the next few months and report back to you.

I had all but given up on anything treating GAD. I'm just chilling right now, off tomorrow, listening to Borky and drinking Hoegaarden, and I still have loads of a adrenaline pumping through my stomach for no reason at all. In other words, I'll try anything!