say something about ... yourself!

Between Dad starting chemo in very very late stage cancer, my best female friend of the last three years telling me she doesn't have time to see me anymore because she's too busy working at the bar now, and overall how many of my social links I've lost for no reason at all, I feel pretty down. I've been binging, fuck it. Might not post for awhile, guys.
Between Dad starting chemo in very very late stage cancer, my best female friend of the last three years telling me she doesn't have time to see me anymore because she's too busy working at the bar now, and overall how many of my social links I've lost for no reason at all, I feel pretty down. I've been binging, fuck it. Might not post for awhile, guys.

Dude I gotta be honest, you need to suck it up. Find a hobby like weight lifting or fighting and get some balls. You might find it hard to believe but I'm in the same boat (dad has cancer, mom about to undergo a dangerous surgery, dead relatives, no girls, not many friends, busy all the time with school and tough goals to achieve, generally bummin a lot of the time) but the difference is I don't spend every single forum post complaining about it. Instead of doing drugs or some shit get some real happyness from a hobby or something and definitely don't complain about it on the internet. Obviously I can't compare my life exactly to yours since I don't know everything but the occasional vent is ok, often gets a bit tiresome.

Seriously I started doing Muay thai, filipino martial arts, a modified form of hapkido, weight lifting every day and pushing myself to new goals all the while listening to hatebreed (yeah!) and now I feel better than I ever have, even better than any time I've been on drugs (and I've done a couple drugs haha). Hobbies, goals, ambition makes you feel far better than venting, whining and doing drugs. Smile.
Oh dude, I am.

I've been boxing and weight lifting like crazy, jogging also. I do this before I get fucked up. I woke up so sore from last nights work out my entire body hurts. And I'm also heavily songwriting trying to make one last song so when Dan is done I can have a 3 or 4 song EP.

It's not like I'm abandoning my hobbies. And I still work. I just feel like fuck it, my life is shit so I'm going to drink and do drugs.
Oh dude, I am.

I've been boxing and weight lifting like crazy, jogging also. I do this before I get fucked up. I woke up so sore from last nights work out my entire body hurts. And I'm also heavily songwriting trying to make one last song so when Dan is done I can have a 3 or 4 song EP.

It's not like I'm abandoning my hobbies. And I still work. I just feel like fuck it, my life is shit so I'm going to drink and do drugs.

Uh drinking after you lift especially is one of the worst things you can possibly do haha. I'm pretty sure it fucks up your protein synthesis, dehydrates the body (water is essential in any bodily process, especially repairing muscle fibers), increases your estrogen and many other harmful effects. Becoming more serious about lifting is the reason I stopped drinking (or at least limited myself to once ever 2 weeks or so and even then not in OMG BINGE quanitities). Maybe the counter productive work you're doing has a little bit to do with the happiness you're not getting haha but just that aspect seems a little bit far fetched.

She will be mine... oh yes..... she WILL be mine.
