say something about ... yourself!

Hoo boy what a long frustrating night it's been. So much wasted time, wasted driving, unfulfilled promises, letting friends down due to said wasted time. Ugh. Glad to finally be home and in my pj pants with a bong in my hand.

This puff is for you, Neverboard!
Ahh, ok. SO everything was cool until I left jiu-jitsu practice. I called a friend who I knew was hangin out with some other friends in the opposite direction of my home. Was gonna go hang with them for a while, but I needed to get money orders for my rent (it's due by 7am tomorrow morning). I didn't know of anywhere near them that was still open though. They told me some places to try, none of them worked, so I had to bail back towards my place to the ONE store I knew I could get money orders still. I had to get there by the time it closed in an hour, so basically I left my friends neighborhood without ever seeing them. Went all the way over there for nothing. But I got my money orders, my rent is paid, and now I'm home and content.

First world problems.
Trying to download the freakin God of War I and II. Watched videos, looks awesome (GoW III is like lol, that would never run on this crap, hopefully GoW I and maybe II will run). Exactly some of stuff I really dig from ancient epics - gods, titans, monsters, legendary weapons, and a freaking badass antihero who is shedding gallons of blood on his way. I have a feeling I gotta enjoy that game :D

Unfortunately Titan Quest wont run on this crap either, nor any good recent game with Greek/Roman stuff. So I hope GoW will run in here so I can slay some of those mythical bastards :D

Any advice on good game with mythology (except of Zeus, Caesar, RTW,...)? Best genre would definitely be some action, RPG or some sort of slay-all-in-path-with-a-legendary-hero kind of thing :p
Good post. I can't help really, but good post :)

There's a gaming thread around here somewhere too. I don't read it much but maybe there's help in there also.