say something about ... yourself!

I've decided to make a walnut and celery stuffed Avacado hor d'oeurve.
Don't want to step on the coattails of the chef, so I don't want to make anything too fancy.

[ame=""]This book[/ame] has really become a bit of a godsend for the amateur chef I be. HIGHLY recommended - it's a life long keeper.

So I had a Guinness or two last night then I wake up and MY FUCKING GLASSES ARE GONE. Needless to say, the enrage timer went off instantly due to the fact that I am as blind as a bat without the said glasses. Even now I have my monitor glued to my eyes. I know for sure I didn't leave them in the cab. They could either be at home or my bf's. Searched everywhere. I feel anger and self loathing. *listens to some suicidal black metal to release the pain*
I slept in till around mid-afternoon yesterday... big mistake. Just barely, kinda, getting tired but I have to be up in 2 1/2 hours anyway. Sleep is pretty much pointless at this point considering it'd take me an hour to get to the zone, only to be woken up mid-whatever kickass dream I'd have. Think I'll just bail soon after I get in and reset myself to a midnight to 8pm schedule then work from there.
You seem a bit starved for attention (dropping your poetry every chance you get, for instance),...

Dude thats called promotion of my stuff, dont blame me for that... I dont have a publisher, so in the meantime I am trying to spread the word... and as every promotion, it gets some ppl's attention, and some get annoyed ^^

I like to make lengthy posts to topics I have sth to say about, it's nice when opinions are stated with some arguments :)

And haha ok, I guess smartasses are everywhere :p

Shpongled: ^^ I am not full of myself, I just went out of bathroom and emptied myself lol

Anvil: Paint? lol I get high on air, try that, it's called inner ganja dude :)

Anyway, I am kinda hooked on new Avantasia albums, nice progress from Scarecrow. Aaaand erm, writing new stuff (big tongues out at ya :p:p:p:p:p)...

Who's DW?

Anyway, kinda mini-poll question... We have new Myrath, Orphaned Land, The Vision Bleak and new Avantasia(s) out... this year still has to bring us Rhapsody of Fire, Nevermore, Pain of Salvation, Symphony X, Therion... My personal fav so far is Orphaned Land and from the other ones I look forward the most to Nevermore, but especially to Symphony X (cant help it, they are my fav band). What album from the ones that got out is your fav and what is your hottest pick on which of the other new albums will be your fav/best?

haha, my nickname on tons of forums is Raziel X, but haha, my fiancee sometimes calls me King Goofie (or King Goofball), I think the reference/point is obvious here ^^ :p
Dude thats called promotion of my stuff, dont blame me for that... I dont have a publisher, so in the meantime I am trying to spread the word... and as every promotion, it gets some ppl's attention, and some get annoyed ^^

I like to make lengthy posts to topics I have sth to say about, it's nice when opinions are stated with some arguments :)

And haha ok, I guess smartasses are everywhere :p

Shpongled: ^^ I am not full of myself, I just went out of bathroom and emptied myself lol

Anvil: Paint? lol I get high on air, try that, it's called inner ganja dude :)

Anyway, I am kinda hooked on new Avantasia albums, nice progress from Scarecrow. Aaaand erm, writing new stuff (big tongues out at ya :p:p:p:p:p)...

Who's DW?

Anyway, kinda mini-poll question... We have new Myrath, Orphaned Land, The Vision Bleak and new Avantasia(s) out... this year still has to bring us Rhapsody of Fire, Nevermore, Pain of Salvation, Symphony X, Therion... My personal fav so far is Orphaned Land and from the other ones I look forward the most to Nevermore, but especially to Symphony X (cant help it, they are my fav band). What album from the ones that got out is your fav and what is your hottest pick on which of the other new albums will be your fav/best?

haha, my nickname on tons of forums is Raziel X, but haha, my fiancee sometimes calls me King Goofie (or King Goofball), I think the reference/point is obvious here ^^ :p
