say something about ... yourself!

Fists are the most fun to use.

Also, I'm tellin you guys... take up jiu-jitsu. It makes beating women SO MUCH MORE FUN!!! Snappin' limbs, choking, mounting... good times!
Fists are the most fun to use.

Also, I'm tellin you guys... take up jiu-jitsu. It makes beating women SO MUCH MORE FUN!!! Snappin' limbs, choking, mounting... good times!

Really, it all depends on what sensation you are seeking to create and what kind of scene it is. A cane is different from a whip is different from a hairbrush is different from a fist is different from a knife. Every tool has its place and its own rules.
personally i prefer to make sweet sweet love to them instead of hitting them, it usually makes beating them easier down the line for when they start mouthing off.
Oh yeah and all you Bay people better come to this!


A week from Thursday I finally get to see Julz!!! How much longer do you hafta wait?
he said he should be back in nj anywhere between this friday and next monday and then he'll probobly come down here since i havr a lot of school and work stuff going on and be here for a few days.

what's up with your boy being away? (i miss out on everything here)

oh, and, if i didnt mention it before, the neurosis and pentagram shirts rock. i'll send more soon.
He's on tour again. They're outside Chicago now, had a couple days off. I'm flying to Seattle next week, staying with Reuben for a night and then taking the bus down to Tacoma to meet them at one of their shows. It fuckin' blows being away from him for six weeks at a time, but I'm sure you're gonna have it even worse. :(

But I'm glad you like the shirts. Take pics if you get a chance!
I'll definitely be at thee parkside. Been too long, yo.

Trying to decide what movie to watch: Whatever Works or Moon.

show up early and catch my band's set! seriously though yeah it's going to be an awesome show; small intimate venue and some crazyyy thrashers. I think zombie holocaust and deadly remains set up a show the same night though (which might take away some people not awesome enough to want to come to this one)? why they would choose that night of all nights confuses me.