say something about ... yourself!

most badass quote in any Batman cartoon
He seems starved for attention.

Erm erm erm :devil:
Hey dude dunno what did you try to point at with that but you're not right, and judging by the rest of your post you were probably just drunk. I like discussing and I like posting more than one line of nothing, sth that can actually be read and discussed upon. Some ppl like it, some ppl jump into conclusions that I am some sort of internet weirdo, which I am not. So dude I like jokes but next time you could just think better what you post before judging right away.

This is a music (+ offtopic forum) and like in life we are free to talk in a way we are comfortable with. If there is a subject I have a lot to say about, I do it :)

Anyway, writing for my second book goes fine, feels like I might write a new poem today :p

Oh lol, one piece from yesterday:

"Anvil overhead...

Where others get drunk, I freeze and weep,
where others get stoned, I have metal,
where others get doped, I write poetry,
where others get overdosed, I mourn for everfalling petals,
where others get free to their hell, I live it on Earth,
where others get damned in the end, I cry through it for She is more than worth..."

Anvil, no pun intended to your nickname, it just happened to be in the title ^^
Erm erm erm :devil:
Hey dude dunno what did you try to point at with that but you're not right, and judging by the rest of your post you were probably just drunk.
You seem a bit starved for attention (dropping your poetry every chance you get, for instance), but judging from your posts, you seem like a guy who stands up for what he believes (I wish you'd do so with less asterisks though), and honestly, this forum could use some counterweight to the clique-ish old boys' club behaviour it often falls prey to. Anvil's cool though, no need to get worked up at him :)

The length of your posts probably makes you an instant friend to DW, of course, but you also have the same resolve to state your opinion regardless of whether or not it flies in the face of the establishment here, and like I do with DW, I can only endorse this. The more different personalities we have here, the better.

Like Morbides a few weeks ago, though, you should really take things on this board a bit less seriously. We take pot shots at each other all the time, EricT with particular vigour (which is why we <3 him)

only me and the pope are working today.
I must be the Pope then*... ^_^

*where da little kiddies at?
Yeah I'm kinda with El Stormo. It's good that you're giving the finger to the old boys club here, but try not to let it get under your skin. Morbides is fitting in swimmingly...just follow her lead.

Also, sarcasm works best around here, not serious debate. If you want to have a serious debate, make sure there's a lot of sarcasm injected in it or else no one else will take it seriously.
Erm erm erm :devil:
Hey dude dunno what did you try to point at with that but you're not right, and judging by the rest of your post you were probably just drunk.


I have some BETTER poetry for you:

"Raziel in the depths of hell, screaming what we'll never tell.
Play the game of insanity, till time tells you your humanity.
Neverboard to kill 'em all, doing so on their own accord,
Never forward, with some reward, sanity restored.
Play our game, do so for Dane, Or fuck off back to once you came."
I'm thinkin this Raziel dude is a little bit full of himself in the bad way.

We get it, you don't like drugs. We're over it now, k?
I'm thinkin this Raziel dude is a little bit full of himself in the bad way.

We get it, you don't like drugs. We're over it now, k?

I think he huffs paint. Poetry that bad is usually what happens.

Working till 5:00, then going to the Canucks game! 300th consecutive sell out! :D