say something about ... yourself!

:D I remember when I used to think COB were fkin trv and those growls were the most badass shit I've ever heard. Luckily all that changed.
I think I've posted this story here before, but it's relevant again. One time I was doing a stage announcement at some show right after CoB played (if you know me well enough you know I LOATHE Alexi Laiho and CoB). We were waiting for the sound guy to give us the go ahead and run out and make our announcement, but he was slacking. CoB had just walked off stage and the crowd was still jacked up. The sound guy told us to just use the mic on stage that Alexi had been using.

So I go out there and grab the mic (Alexi uses a pop guard on his mics.. the big puffy black cover thing) and put it up to my mouth to start talking. I accidentally put it too close to my face and the pop guard touched my lips. It was COVERED in Laiho's spit and to boot it wasn't even on. I said "check check check hello?" and nothing. So we had to walk off stage defeated by that fucking mic. It was then that the implication of what had just happened really hit me. Holy shit I had Laiho's nasty saliva all over my face. Made me hate that damned band even more.

Eventually they fixed the mic and we made our announcement, but I didn't care at that point. Fucking Children of Bodom haha.
*thinks of some other band in the same situation*
Edit: nop, the only situation that pops in mind is the "....Satan." thing.
I think I've posted this story here before, but it's relevant again. One time I was doing a stage announcement at some show right after CoB played (if you know me well enough you know I LOATHE Alexi Laiho and CoB). We were waiting for the sound guy to give us the go ahead and run out and make our announcement, but he was slacking. CoB had just walked off stage and the crowd was still jacked up. The sound guy told us to just use the mic on stage that Alexi had been using.

So I go out there and grab the mic (Alexi uses a pop guard on his mics.. the big puffy black cover thing) and put it up to my mouth to start talking. I accidentally put it too close to my face and the pop guard touched my lips. It was COVERED in Laiho's spit and to boot it wasn't even on. I said "check check check hello?" and nothing. So we had to walk off stage defeated by that fucking mic. It was then that the implication of what had just happened really hit me. Holy shit I had Laiho's nasty saliva all over my face. Made me hate that damned band even more.

Eventually they fixed the mic and we made our announcement, but I didn't care at that point. Fucking Children of Bodom haha.

I've worked several CoB shows. Alexi has always been cool as fuck.

Ever worked a Watain show? FUCK.
It's pretty retarded to be honest. I mean, I can understand wanting to set an atmosphere for your performance, but at the cost of others' physical well being? Fucked.

The entire venue smelled like a slaughterhouse, and their incense just made it worse. I had vegan friends that were there and not expecting that. They were obviously not OK with any of it at all.

I don't even want to imagine what their bus smells like.
It's pretty retarded to be honest. I mean, I can understand wanting to set an atmosphere for your performance, but at the cost of others' physical well being? Fucked.

The entire venue smelled like a slaughterhouse, and their incense just made it worse. I had vegan friends that were there and not expecting that. They were obviously not OK with any of it at all.

I don't even want to imagine what their bus smells like.

Our sound guy for the evening was vegetarian and wouldn't touch anything after they were done. Everything had to be cleaned/bleached. The venue stunk for a few days afterwards.

Their bus smelled rancid. I don't get it either. I heard they had some groupies in there that night. I can't imagine the nasty whores that would go for that.
I am about ready to go get my check and pay the bills. I'm thinking about working two jobs for some extra income instead of one. I have worked two jobs when I lived in Houston and I was able to do it just fine.

I am growing my hair out again, and a beard.

I still have the herp.

Drinking coffee as well AND I have been ghost hunting. I found what appears to be a little girl making a noise inside the locked office buildings at the casino. I will have to post it.
Man I've been thinking about growing my hair back out. Not to viking metal length, maybe something gay and Asian mid length. I dunno. Gonna get a taper fade until I decide what to do with it. My hair is waaaaaaay too casual now.
Slowly been getting into a work out routine again. Fuck it's hard getting back in.
I'm still nursing another really bad shoulder injury from December, so I haven't been able to work out. I still can't do anything that entails the shoulder muscles or neck muscles, so I'm stuck to abs and legs. So I'm running again, and doing a lot of abs and core.
Trying to record vocals for a song. My death vocals are still in tact but I really hate my singing voice. I can stay in tune, but my voice is monotone and drab. Reminds me of David Gold from Woods of Ypres, much worse obviously.

If I layer, it sounds really unnatural. If I don't layer, it sounds really drab.
So don't sing. If your vocals suck, make a really great instrumental song. Hell, make a great instrumental ALBUM. North did it with Ruins and it was awesome.