say something about ... yourself!

Annalisa likes to fuck with them and piss them off. She reads about all these weird cults like JW and asks them inflammatory questions like, "If Jehovah's Witnesses consider the rest of the world unclean and forbid contact, why are you here?"
I bet your stories really do suck...

What are you pointing at dude huh? That cos I refused to go out with most of my classmates at high school cos I knew they were all going to get drunk as f*** or stoned and they would want me to do the same if I went too? Is that a sign of being "boring" for you? Or that when we went for last trip at high school, all were either drunk, stoned or both and nobody would give a f*** about me cos all were o_O, I so hoped at least somebody would be sober and have some fun without the stuff but I was wrong. I saw all too well how ***** my classmates were behaving, it was like almost 25 ppl there, all either drunk or stoned or both. I dont think I was boring, I dont think I couldnt enjoy life, I just couldnt have anyone to have some good time with, other than just watching ppl getting out of their minds. At university it was like that too, I never inclined to drinking or such, so I had very few ppl to go out with, and I usually had kofola (aka cola), but it was cool, not wild but cool. And in the end I found the one who I am now engaged to and going to marry, she likes to have a couple Smirnoffs from time to time, and she would have some pot if she knew it wouldnt get her into risk of getting fired at her job. So yea she doesnt do such stuff very often, in fact rarely. So yea my past stories might suck in your eyes but **** that. My life doesnt suck anymore, except of the university graduation exams I have to undergo soon :(

Some like drinking, some weed, I like my metal, video games and poetry, and most of all my fiancee :saint:

So ok lets finish this part about addictions and lets talk about sth else, like my poetry! :D

Check it out ppl pls and feel free to join (the second link) and comment and whatever feedback :)

I have already finished a book "Death makes an artist..." (titled after english translation of a Nightwish ballad Kuolema Tekee Taiteillijan) and am currently working on second one "Legacy of the snake..." (titled after a Stormlord song, cos I liked its atmosphere).
What are you pointing at dude huh? That cos I refused to go out with most of my classmates at high school cos I knew they were all going to get drunk as f*** or stoned and they would want me to do the same if I went too? Is that a sign of being "boring" for you? Or that when we went for last trip at high school, all were either drunk, stoned or both and nobody would give a f*** about me cos all were o_O, I so hoped at least somebody would be sober and have some fun without the stuff but I was wrong. I saw all too well how ***** my classmates were behaving, it was like almost 25 ppl there, all either drunk or stoned or both. I dont think I was boring, I dont think I couldnt enjoy life, I just couldnt have anyone to have some good time with, other than just watching ppl getting out of their minds. At university it was like that too, I never inclined to drinking or such, so I had very few ppl to go out with, and I usually had kofola (aka cola), but it was cool, not wild but cool. And in the end I found the one who I am now engaged to and going to marry, she likes to have a couple Smirnoffs from time to time, and she would have some pot if she knew it wouldnt get her into risk of getting fired at her job. So yea she doesnt do such stuff very often, in fact rarely. So yea my past stories might suck in your eyes but **** that. My life doesnt suck anymore, except of the university graduation exams I have to undergo soon :(

Some like drinking, some weed, I like my metal, video games and poetry, and most of all my fiancee :saint:

So ok lets finish this part about addictions and lets talk about sth else, like my poetry! :D

Check it out ppl pls and feel free to join (the second link) and comment and whatever feedback :)

I have already finished a book "Death makes an artist..." (titled after english translation of a Nightwish ballad Kuolema Tekee Taiteillijan) and am currently working on second one "Legacy of the snake..." (titled after a Stormlord song, cos I liked its atmosphere).

Dude, you're opening a Pandora's Box. Just let it go.
What are you pointing at dude huh? That cos I refused to go out with most of my classmates at high school cos I knew they were all going to get drunk as f*** or stoned and they would want me to do the same if I went too? Is that a sign of being "boring" for you? Or that when we went for last trip at high school, all were either drunk, stoned or both and nobody would give a f*** about me cos all were o_O, I so hoped at least somebody would be sober and have some fun without the stuff but I was wrong. I saw all too well how ***** my classmates were behaving, it was like almost 25 ppl there, all either drunk or stoned or both. I dont think I was boring, I dont think I couldnt enjoy life, I just couldnt have anyone to have some good time with, other than just watching ppl getting out of their minds. At university it was like that too, I never inclined to drinking or such, so I had very few ppl to go out with, and I usually had kofola (aka cola), but it was cool, not wild but cool. And in the end I found the one who I am now engaged to and going to marry, she likes to have a couple Smirnoffs from time to time, and she would have some pot if she knew it wouldnt get her into risk of getting fired at her job. So yea she doesnt do such stuff very often, in fact rarely. So yea my past stories might suck in your eyes but **** that. My life doesnt suck anymore, except of the university graduation exams I have to undergo soon :(

Some like drinking, some weed, I like my metal, video games and poetry, and most of all my fiancee :saint:

So ok lets finish this part about addictions and lets talk about sth else, like my poetry! :D

Check it out ppl pls and feel free to join (the second link) and comment and whatever feedback :)

I have already finished a book "Death makes an artist..." (titled after english translation of a Nightwish ballad Kuolema Tekee Taiteillijan) and am currently working on second one "Legacy of the snake..." (titled after a Stormlord song, cos I liked its atmosphere).

So this is totally not a sensitive subject, right?
I remember the nevermore board before it was ever part of UM.

When the threads didn't bump to the top when people posted. When I never posted, only lurked. When there were like 4 people total that actually DID post (WD being one of em, even back then). Then they moved to UM in 2001. I registered right away and didn't post until 3 years later.

That must have been 12 goddamned years ago. Ugh.
I was 18. OG internet superstar here!

I remember upgrading to a 56k dial up modem and being SOOOO STOKED!!!!!

Damn time flies.
I originally started posting here on the CoB board(yeah yeah yeah, shut up, it was the Follow The Reaper days). I was only 22 at the time. :lol: