say something about ... yourself!

I'd record all the music and wait until you get the perfect singer for you then. Don't compromise, though. There are tons of people willing to collaborate with people across oceans...Anaal Nathrakh did it.
Dude, you're opening a Pandora's Box. Just let it go.

So this is totally not a sensitive subject, right?

Dead: Well, it was I guess about choice, ppl around drunk/stoned and me sober, the thing was if I should get drunk/stoned just to fit in and have "fun" or not... I chose not to, so well they just gave a ****... I chose not to and didnt want to break it just to fit in, whatever, let ppl do that stuff but just dont blow the smoke into my face :)
So yea, some parts of my life sucked, but well... Eventually I managed to find a couple ppl that I became friends with (and my fiancee as well)... But yea, as every suckiness, even this had a good thing to it - I would never have written such dark poems as I did... And on a lighter note, some ppl who read some of my poems kept asking me what stuff I was taking to write them :lol:

Lunar Still: Yea totally not ^^... As for fun, I always managed to find sth to entertain me when everybody else gave a **** about me... And as for some suckiness, well, I am kinda glad for the fact I didnt start any of such stuff, as sucky and such I could have felt and could go this way to blow the steam... It was a harder way but there were things and later also ppl to help me feel better.


Period. I guess that could be it to this issue :)


This is a facebook group I founded to keep ppl up-to-date with news about my stuff, besides my official site and myspace. If you are all too lazy to visit any of the links I provided, just let me know and I will post one or two pieces in here :)
Dead: Well, it was I guess about choice, ppl around drunk/stoned and me sober, the thing was if I should get drunk/stoned just to fit in and have "fun" or not... I chose not to, so well they just gave a ****... I chose not to and didnt want to break it just to fit in, whatever, let ppl do that stuff but just dont blow the smoke into my face :)
So yea, some parts of my life sucked, but well... Eventually I managed to find a couple ppl that I became friends with (and my fiancee as well)... But yea, as every suckiness, even this had a good thing to it - I would never have written such dark poems as I did... And on a lighter note, some ppl who read some of my poems kept asking me what stuff I was taking to write them :lol:

Lunar Still: Yea totally not ^^... As for fun, I always managed to find sth to entertain me when everybody else gave a **** about me... And as for some suckiness, well, I am kinda glad for the fact I didnt start any of such stuff, as sucky and such I could have felt and could go this way to blow the steam... It was a harder way but there were things and later also ppl to help me feel better.


Period. I guess that could be it to this issue :)


This is a facebook group I founded to keep ppl up-to-date with news about my stuff, besides my official site and myspace. If you are all too lazy to visit any of the links I provided, just let me know and I will post one or two pieces in here :)
I think he/she is really nice. Thanks for Myrath Raziel.
Edit: Yup it's a guy, he called his counterpart "fiancee".
Eating Doritos "2nd Degree Burn" flavor because David told me that the 3rd Degree flavor was needlessly hot so I started off with the wussy flavor. I find them delicious and am looking forward to the flamin' poos.
I'm looking forward to sweet potatoes with honey butter.


Our plans for the afternoon:

Eat until we get sick at Sweet Tomatoes
Go to Frys and buy The Fantastic Mr Fox deeveedeeeeeeeeeee
Go to Kroger and buy Dr Peppers

I just have to finish with classes for the day first arghhh
I sometimes miss the physical workout that retail requires, but that's it haha. Good luck though, hope you get hired! I don't see Target closing up shop anytime soon. My friend Lane has worked at Target for four years now.
Just confirmed plans for a trip to Colorado this summer over the 4th of July. We're staying in some condos in the Rocky Mountains.

Hell yes, so stoked! :kickass:
The lil hamster had started chewing the plastic ridges in the corners of her container, which I feared would eventually happen. Soooo I found a larger container that is completely smooth (and therefore unchewable) on the inside, and rigged it up all nice for her. Crafting hamster cages is great fun, but now I'm too tired to do the homework I had planned to do :loco:

I think he/she is really nice. Thanks for Myrath Raziel.
Edit: Yup it's a guy, he called his counterpart "fiancee".

I still stand by my statement.

Yep, I am a guy and I love my fiancee :saint::saint::saint:

Atm writing is going fine, though to be honest I would rather write a little less and be with my fiancee now, and not deal with the final exams and missing her so bad... Ah well, I just hope I pass the exams in May and then I'll be able to say **** off to that school.

Anyway anyone here a fan of Tolkien? If yea what do you think is his utter masterpiece out of all his books, or to be more specific, of books related to Middle-Earth? My pick is clear - Silmarillion (+Children of Húrin; that tale is within the plot confines of Silmarillion, so I dont count it as extra :p).

Oh yea, I guess that who is interested, feel free to add me in Windows Live Messenger, my contact is

After you add me pls let me know you are from here so I know it is not some spambot thank you :kickass:
He seems starved for attention.

I am inebriated. Buddy's b-day party... Had dinner, then karaoke, then to the club we went. Left my camera in my Jeep, which is still at the pub. Boo for leaving a vehicle. Had a lot of fun, Only have a few photos from the pub. I'm sure I'll post 'em once I get my camera. Yee ha.