say something about ... yourself!

Thanks guys. Accepting my Hippyism isn't as easy as it would seem, but I guess no one ever said it would be.

I walk this stretch of downtown each day I have class, but I don't get quite this nekkid while doing so.

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Kevin, you're short.

Dead Winter, shut up. You waste valuable space with your words.

Tyler, go to bed.
...and my life doesn't revolve around it. It's merely something else in life that I enjoy... and it's there so I'm going to enjoy it!! People that don't open themselves up to this possibly aren't living life to the fullest I think. But like i said earlier... if you have your reasons, more power to you :)

well, it's good your life doesnt revolve around it... and come on dont blame me if I refuse to even try "beneficial ******... I accept the fact that some ppl might want it from time to time to blow off the steam... I dont like weed, even though I never even tried it and never felt even tempted to try it, like I dont feel tempted to even get slightly drunk... and I dont think that ppl who dont try it dont live their life to the fullest... yes, it is here for ppl to try, but if one decides not to try then well it's not like he is a freakin weirdo who cant enjoy life... it's not an experience that would be a grave miss in my life if I didnt try it... I dont blame ppl who have it from time to time, but I always say dudes, if you are going to do that, do it as far from me as you can :)

and one thing I know is that I am crazy enough even without weed or whatever, I dont need that stuff... and sometimes I had or have even crazier dreams or imaginations than a longtime user of weed, seriously, I dont need those to get even wilder, they are just as wild even now and I seriously dont want to end up in an asylum :lol:
well, it's good your life doesnt revolve around it... and come on dont blame me if I refuse to even try "beneficial ******... I accept the fact that some ppl might want it from time to time to blow off the steam... I dont like weed, even though I never even tried it and never felt even tempted to try it, like I dont feel tempted to even get slightly drunk... and I dont think that ppl who dont try it dont live their life to the fullest... yes, it is here for ppl to try, but if one decides not to try then well it's not like he is a freakin weirdo who cant enjoy life... it's not an experience that would be a grave miss in my life if I didnt try it... I dont blame ppl who have it from time to time, but I always say dudes, if you are going to do that, do it as far from me as you can :)

and one thing I know is that I am crazy enough even without weed or whatever, I dont need that stuff... and sometimes I had or have even crazier dreams or imaginations than a longtime user of weed, seriously, I dont need those to get even wilder, they are just as wild even now and I seriously dont want to end up in an asylum :lol:

I bet your stories really do suck...
my band is playing a gig this friday...its going to rock i hope :p

but i feel miserable, hehe but i wont show this on stage i hope

my girlfriend ia talking about her ex-bf more often lately...i'm not sure but i think this will become the end...
I dont like weed, even though I never even tried it
Jesus. How can you know that? How can you be absolutely positive? This is the ignorance I'm talking about.

I used to be the exact same way as you. I'm not saying weed or drugs have improved my life, but they haven't made it worse either. It's just something fun, like listening to a favorite album, or walking through the park, or checking out the 600 year old castle 500 meters from my house.

How would you know if you liked a certain band without ever hearing them? It seems pretty ridiculous to have a bunch of reasons for not liking a band having never heard them. Or saying you hate tomatoes, but you've never actually eaten one.

Does not compute.
damn just saw that.

I'm testing right now for a new translating job that I really want.

I am pretty much in the situation kevin is in, I have a job that I don't like, but it pays the bills, but I really want a change of pace very badly.

If I get this it will not only be a change of pace, but more money, better benefits and less work hours, so it's pretty fucking perfect.

How I don't fuck anything up.
You're an amazing dude, it should go fine!

I'm barely making shit right now. They cut my hours. Little over $100 a week. I'm trying to do all the odd jobs I can. All the physical work is destroying my body, my hands are becoming hard and callused like my dads. Everything is going to shit reaaaaally fast. :(

Oh...and my dad. The chemo was hurting him so bad the other day he muttered "I don't want to live like this anymore". Jesus fucking christ I need a miracle.