say something about ... yourself!

I smoked weed occasionally at parties but I realized I just don't like it. Other than the headache and falling asleep, it just makes me feel stupid. I can't remember anything while trying to talk and end up going, "Duhhhh....uuuhhh...what was I saying?", and everyone who gets high around me just acts so fucking retarded. It gets on my nerves.

When I'm sober and around a bunch of potheads, it's even worse. Forget having any kind of coherent conversation, not to mention if something happens that needs to be taken care of, everyone's so baked that it just ruins everything. The people who aren't high get frustrated because the entire thing is just fucking lame, and the stoners are so baked that they don't even know the difference while they're wiping the drool off their chins. These situations are usually with band members and at concerts, and I have no patience for people who can't get their shit together. If you wanna get high then fucking stay at home and I'll find another bassist.
haha man it's people like you that NEED to smoke pot.

edit: that sounds mean. I don't mean it that way. I'm just too much of a lazy stoner to explain it any further ;)
It's not necessarily for every occasion and it's not always a good social drink. Maybe if you're around a bunch of plastic people jerking each other off about how much they know about wine, then yeah, it could be the right drink for the evening. But if you're just at a regular pub late at night with your friends, it's not always what you go for. Also, wine is good in certain seasons as well.

People here tend to drink wine with their food. When they go out, they usually prefer beer. It's very rare that you see a bunch of people in a pub screaming and laughing with a wine glass in their hand...a few glasses and that's it for the night. These people drink beer like water and wine will make you too sick to drink in the same quantity.

It all goes back to what I was saying before about how wine isn't such a big deal. It's rarely drunk out of wine glasses and unless you're trying something new, most people just drink beer. Of course there are always the fashion snobs who drink wine just to be seen drinking wine in their outfit, but that's about it. Unless you're at a wine festival, it's usually beer being drunk by the majority of people. Granted, I prefer wine but I don't feel it's as much a social drink like beer is; it's more of a personal preference.

A) none of my friends are jerky/snobby/yuppie type that pretend to know about wine,
B) I drink wine with food as well, but I also go to lounges/ wine bars where wine is the main component on the menu (and again, it's not a snobby/yuppie place... )
C) Wine is not a big deal for me either, I just fucking love it. And so does my family and most of my friends, so many times we would gather together and enjoy wine together. For me, wine is extremely social.
Sure, in bars its usually beer, but bars are not the only social place in the world ;)
This thread reminds me of a great Jim Jefferies bit, that I can't seem to find on youtube. So I shall transcribe it:

"If you don't drink or do drugs... you're a boring cunt and all your stories suck. All your shitty stories end the same way: "And then I got home". No one gives a shit that you've been promoted at work, and no one gives a fuck that your kids don't have bruises."
This thread reminds me of a great Jim Jefferies bit, that I can't seem to find on youtube. So I shall transcribe it:

"If you don't drink or do drugs... you're a boring cunt and all your stories suck. All your shitty stories end the same way: "And then I got home". No one gives a shit that you've been promoted at work, and no one gives a fuck that your kids don't have bruises."

^ hahahaha I love him :lol:
haha man it's people like you that NEED to smoke pot.

edit: that sounds mean. I don't mean it that way. I'm just too much of a lazy stoner to explain it any further ;)

I do smoke every now and then, but rarely because I don't enjoy the side effects. There's about a five minute period where there's a nice little buzz, and then it's all over and I turn into a slobbering retard. It's the annoying potheads like that that I can't stand to be around and I don't like feeling that way. I feel dumber just being in the same room with them. Pardon me for preferring to keep a clear head.

Also, just because you like what you are doesn't mean that's what I'd like to be. Maybe your bong ripping, pseudo-hippie attitude, hiking, and jiu-jitsu mantra works for you, but those are precisely the things that turn me off from weed. The place I live in is so beautiful with so much culture and history that I don't feel I need to cloud my mind with drugs to enjoy it. When I go for a walk with my dog up the mountain 500 meters behind my house to visit the 600 year old castle ruins, that brief moment when I pause and reflect hits me harder than any bong rip. I don't need acid or weed to better enjoy the music I'm into, nor do I need it to relax when I'm stressed. A nice lit bowl from my pipe with my dog next to me on the balcony works just fine.

People who use drugs to change their perspective are just hiding from real life. If you want to change your perspective on life, move to another country. Do something real.
A) none of my friends are jerky/snobby/yuppie type that pretend to know about wine,
B) I drink wine with food as well, but I also go to lounges/ wine bars where wine is the main component on the menu (and again, it's not a snobby/yuppie place... )
C) Wine is not a big deal for me either, I just fucking love it. And so does my family and most of my friends, so many times we would gather together and enjoy wine together. For me, wine is extremely social.
Sure, in bars its usually beer, but bars are not the only social place in the world ;)

That's all fine and dandy, but you're completely missing my point. This isn't a "wine is not a social drink" debate. My point is that it wouldn't be nearly as annoying if people would offer something besides beer. If I said no the first time, I'm probably gonna say no the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth time. If you want me to drink with you, offer me something I'll enjoy like wine. However, most people don't offer wine just because it's more common to drink beer.

If I'm at home or at someone else's house then of course there are more things to drink, which I do. For me, I drink when I want to drink and not because I just happen to be out in the piazza. I don't need any type of alcohol to be more social....not that you do either, but for some people it's the only way they know how. I dislike that. I mean, PCP will make you do that unintentionally, but I still blame those people.

The acid I've done was weak shit, so I don't know how intense it could be, but I honestly can't imagine tripping hard enough on it to do anything like that. When you read about someone getting murdered because the person was on drugs, it's usually PCP or coke.
I'm not anti-drug or whatever...what people want to do is perfectly fine with me as long as it doesn't get in my way or hurt anyone. I think weed should be legalized.

I AM, however, against this attitude that you're somehow a loser and social outcast because you don't pop pills or do drugs.
Normal is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes. This.
I drink sometimes but i rarely drink to get drunk. I drink because i like the taste of beer or a cocktail and enjoy the comfortable buzz that comes with it. I dont do it a whole hell of a lot either. As for drugs, weed is fine in moderation but i dont go for anything beyond that these days. I hardly ever smoke weed anymore.

Anyway, i had a filling done at the dentist and my face is still all numb.
I AM, however, against this attitude that you're somehow a loser and social outcast because you don't pop pills or do drugs.


I consider myself a loser and social outcast BECAUSE of all the drugs I did. Amongst my friends, I truly respect the ones that are entertaining to be around and don't do that kind of stuff.

Drugs aren't cool. Never were. Reminds me of another Jim Jeffries quote

"We don't drink because we like the taste, we drink because life is shit".
I know a guy that's strung out on Methadone (no joke, upwards of 80 pills per day) and has a Masters degree in Bioengineering from UW. He works in Boston now for some company on their research team making six digits. The guy can barely put a sentence together in a social setting, but he's by far and away the smartest person I've ever met on Planet Earth. He's got a nasty terrible drug addiction that absolutely cannot shake, but he's more successful than most everyone else I know.