say something about ... yourself!

You know, I was just riding around on my bike thinking about the 'don't-drink-don't-do-drugs' sentiments from a few posts back, and I retract my prescription of Salvia. Good on you - be an unaided, unabetted, healthy human of your own device. Rock on.

That said, I have noticed that most people I know that don't drink or do drugs are freaking weirdos. Like my roommate for instance, total nut case, impossible to live around, impossible to talk to, planning on moving out of the house because of her.

But is that so wrong?

Sobriety implies that one needs to live completely within themself, and act upon one's own impulses.

What I was thinking on my bike ride just now is that since most 'normal' people I know drink, and those that don't drink seem a little strange, perhaps it's the drinking, the nulling of the senses, the conditioning of an alcoholic society, that creates these so-called 'normal people'. Left to one's own sober devices, people become 'weird'; out-lyers; nutcases.

It's just another element of distinction between people. Everyone has their own reason for doing what they do and living how they live. Of course anything different than someone's normal perception of things will seem a little bit "weird".

I've lived around sober people my whole life, and I wasn't always as pro-drugs as I am now. For me it was personal experience that that helped me understand the benefits and consequences of drugs. I don't think of sober people as weird (unless they're just a weird human being to begin with) but they may think I'm weird because I enjoy some drugs now and again. Or because I have really long hair. Or because I am a bit shy in person. It can be anything. The entire world is fucking weird man, and that's what makes it so great! What I do think is weird are the people that aren't even willing to try the beneficial drugs. Had I not gotten over my childhood weed hate when I reached my 20's, I'd never have known how much I enjoy it. It works for me. I'm not a lazy, useless stoner, I don't go "heh heh heh heh duuuude" frequently (ok maybe sometimes), and my life doesn't revolve around it. It's merely something else in life that I enjoy... and it's there so I'm going to enjoy it!! People that don't open themselves up to this possibly aren't living life to the fullest I think. But like i said earlier... if you have your reasons, more power to you :)

I still want that bumper sticker I saw at Zeitgeist that simply said "I <3 Weird".

Steal it for me Brooks. I'll trade you some Baconnaise for it :headbang:
Well fuck, I was gonna bring some great heroine I scored to MDF for us to party with. There go those plans :mad:
I was bound to become an addict in some shape or form. I found my dads coke/heroin syrynge when when I was like 8.

I understand where Kevin comes from saying he could quit weed anytime he wanted, unfortunatly, I'm past that. I smoke numerous times everyday even if I have no weed of my own, someone is bound to come through with something or have something when I visit them, I'm constantly exposed to it. And I don't have the willpower to quit. I've been doing it much too long and much too often. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to quit handlebars if they hadn't dissapeared.

But Karen, I don't understand your quarrel with hard drugs. Ecstasy, shrooms, acid, they're all just as harmless as weed. PCP, Heroin, and Coke are a different story, though.

At any rate, it's been a long time since I've done hard drugs. I've become content with drinking.
With that being said: I personally HATE HATE HATE hard drugs with a passion. I don't tolerate it, I never want to see it.

But when it comes to Weed or alcohol, I couldn't care less if people are doing it or not, as long as they do it in moderation (i.e. dont pass out puking from booze every day nor become lazy idiot stoners)

im not one for drinking or weed though, im not going to say shit about it since i have no desire to even try it.

i also really hate those pathetic people that say they got drunk and did something stupid and they blame it on the alcohol and say thing like "well i have been having a hard time at work so i drank" like its something they need to do, actually dealing with the problem doesn't even seem to come up as an option, things are tough they drink...

I hate people that rely on drink and alcohol to get through their problems, its truly sad.
Thing is, they're not actually getting through their problems, they're just burying them/making them worse/perpetuating them, and yeah it's truly sad to see.
exactly, my friends having girl problems and started drinking and he hasn't done shit about those problems except make drunk calls to her and make her hate him even more, and he doesn't seem to understand why he's like "we'll i was drunk". because for some reason since he's drunk that call doesn't count or something.

i really don't want to ever be that fucking dumb and dependent so i just stay away from the shit, i don't need it.
lol he is when it comes to that shit, and i would write off his problems as him just being an idiot, but i see this shit all the time with people that drink too much or smoke too much, so it can't be just a coincidence.
But it kind of is a coincidence. Not everyone uses alcohol and weed for those reasons specifically. It all effects people differently and you'd never known until you try.

For you ShadowsWithin, (the hell's yer name anyways?) I think you have the mental fortitude to not let it conquer you. You're already aware of what it can do to a person and you know you don't want that for yourself, so I don't think it would turn into a problem for you. You'd have control over yourself and be able to enjoy the positive aspects without any worry, just like most people.

Unfortuantely, it's not the same for every single person. Some people get beaten by it and let it take over. It all depends on the person, their circumstances in life, their willpower, and so many other variables that I think it's outright unfair to say it's commonplace for people that drink or smoke to be prone to self destruction. It's just not true. At all.
Normal is in the eye of the beholder. Nothing more. Do what makes you feel good, what you enjoy, and fuck anyone who has a problem with it. Unless of course it's hurting you, then it's just sheer caring that other people may be portraying towards you. No one has control over you but you.

Personally, I quit smoking weed for numerous reasons. I was turning into a lazy asshole. I felt like shit the next day, and I was just overall grumpy everyday. It also started toying with my paranoia and I now have anxiety pretty bad, which I can actually attribute to smoking weed. The paranoia I was getting when I smoked weed, started to leak it's way into everyday life, sober or not. It was just time to stop smoking it.

Drinking on the other hand... I very much enjoy a drink or two, but I know my limits extremely well. I don't really enjoy being drunk, even tipsy anymore for that matter. I have a lot of fun being sober with friends when they're drinking, I don't feel you need alcohol to have a good time. To each their own.
In what world exactly???
You live in... Italy, correct????

It's not necessarily for every occasion and it's not always a good social drink. Maybe if you're around a bunch of plastic people jerking each other off about how much they know about wine, then yeah, it could be the right drink for the evening. But if you're just at a regular pub late at night with your friends, it's not always what you go for. Also, wine is good in certain seasons as well.

People here tend to drink wine with their food. When they go out, they usually prefer beer. It's very rare that you see a bunch of people in a pub screaming and laughing with a wine glass in their hand...a few glasses and that's it for the night. These people drink beer like water and wine will make you too sick to drink in the same quantity.

It all goes back to what I was saying before about how wine isn't such a big deal. It's rarely drunk out of wine glasses and unless you're trying something new, most people just drink beer. Of course there are always the fashion snobs who drink wine just to be seen drinking wine in their outfit, but that's about it. Unless you're at a wine festival, it's usually beer being drunk by the majority of people. Granted, I prefer wine but I don't feel it's as much a social drink like beer is; it's more of a personal preference.
If I go to a restaurant, pub, or bar and feel like having a glass of wine, I'm getting a fucking glass of wine.