say something about ... yourself!

I love a good cuban cigar. Sit back with a glass of rum, smoke a cuban in the bathtub. Ahhh...
Kevin, do you ever roll blunts with your weed? It's unhealthy as fuck, but the standard among every race in Houston. It's like tradition here.

I hate cigars too, but theres nothing like weed in a grape Swisher.
You guys might think I am weird or whatever, but I dont drink (except of a little wine during holidays, like a small cup or two; and a cup of beer with friends, but usually I have Kofola, which is sth like coke), dont smoke (cigarettes, cigars, waterpipes, weed aka I dont smoke at all), dont take any harder stuff either. I was never tempted to try, not even for the sake of experience, for me it is not worth it. I can be crazy and have fun if I am in the right company, if I am not, then I am not going to help it with any of that shit. And for me, living life to the fullest doesnt mean getting wasted, stoned or doped in any way. There are just so many ways to enjoy life without killing yourself slowly but gradually, and there are just so many better ways how to kill the brain cells, like listening to metal and loud :p

So yea ppl, I am clean, but that doesnt mean I am not crazy lol
I call it inner ganja, and when I want to be crazy I just burn it and all my brain gets the best and purest stuff lmao
It's totally harmless XD
You guys might think I am weird or whatever, but I dont drink (except of a little wine during holidays, like a small cup or two; and a cup of beer with friends, but usually I have Kofola, which is sth like coke), dont smoke (cigarettes, cigars, waterpipes, weed aka I dont smoke at all), dont take any harder stuff either. I was never tempted to try, not even for the sake of experience, for me it is not worth it. I can be crazy and have fun if I am in the right company, if I am not, then I am not going to help it with any of that shit. And for me, living life to the fullest doesnt mean getting wasted, stoned or doped in any way. There are just so many ways to enjoy life without killing yourself slowly but gradually, and there are just so many better ways how to kill the brain cells, like listening to metal and loud :p

So yea ppl, I am clean, but that doesnt mean I am not crazy lol
I call it inner ganja, and when I want to be crazy I just burn it and all my brain gets the best and purest stuff lmao
It's totally harmless XD

yep that pretty much sums me up, im fairly boring i guess, probably not as crazy or as fun as you but close enough.
I prescribe for you:

You guys might think I am weird or whatever, but I dont drink (except of a little wine during holidays, like a small cup or two; and a cup of beer with friends, but usually I have Kofola, which is sth like coke), dont smoke (cigarettes, cigars, waterpipes, weed aka I dont smoke at all), dont take any harder stuff either. I was never tempted to try, not even for the sake of experience, for me it is not worth it. I can be crazy and have fun if I am in the right company, if I am not, then I am not going to help it with any of that shit. And for me, living life to the fullest doesnt mean getting wasted, stoned or doped in any way. There are just so many ways to enjoy life without killing yourself slowly but gradually, and there are just so many better ways how to kill the brain cells, like listening to metal and loud :p

So yea ppl, I am clean, but that doesnt mean I am not crazy lol
I call it inner ganja, and when I want to be crazy I just burn it and all my brain gets the best and purest stuff lmao
It's totally harmless XD

Pretty much the same here, except I can get pretty sloshed if I'm at some sort of gathering with friends that only happens once a year or less. Other than that, I hardly ever drink alcohol of any kind, and have never had a desire to smoke or touch any drugs at all.
Except for the idea that drugs will slowly kill you. I mean, sure... yeah... if you abuse them.

Either way, everyone has a choice and I like it when people have legitimate reasons for deciding one way or the other, so kudos!
That said, a couple mutual friends of mine and Steve's made us this amazing cake last night in honor of our 8 and half years hosting Metal Shop. It's indeed a "special" cake and we all had a healthy slice last night and then went out for some beer and food at a good pub and giggled our asses off until 1am. Good times :)

You know, I was just riding around on my bike thinking about the 'don't-drink-don't-do-drugs' sentiments from a few posts back, and I retract my prescription of Salvia. Good on you - be an unaided, unabetted, healthy human of your own device. Rock on.

That said, I have noticed that most people I know that don't drink or do drugs are freaking weirdos. Like my roommate for instance, total nut case, impossible to live around, impossible to talk to, planning on moving out of the house because of her.

But is that so wrong?

Sobriety implies that one needs to live completely within themself, and act upon one's own impulses.

What I was thinking on my bike ride just now is that since most 'normal' people I know drink, and those that don't drink seem a little strange, perhaps it's the drinking, the nulling of the senses, the conditioning of an alcoholic society, that creates these so-called 'normal people'. Left to one's own sober devices, people become 'weird'; out-lyers; nutcases.

You know, I was just riding around on my bike thinking about the 'don't-drink-don't-do-drugs' sentiments from a few posts back, and I retract my prescription of Salvia. Good on you - be an unaided, unabetted, healthy human of your own device. Rock on.

That said, I have noticed that most people I know that don't drink or do drugs are freaking weirdos. Like my roommate for instance, total nut case, impossible to live around, impossible to talk to, planning on moving out of the house because of her.

But is that so wrong?

Sobriety implies that one needs to live completely within themself, and act upon one's own impulses.

What I was thinking on my bike ride just now is that since most 'normal' people I know drink, and those that don't drink seem a little strange, perhaps it's the drinking, the nulling of the senses, the conditioning of an alcoholic society, that creates these so-called 'normal people'. Left to one's own sober devices, people become 'weird'; out-lyers; nutcases.


Somehow I don't think that your roommate is off because she doesn't indulge in drugs/alcohol. Nor does acting mature have anything to do with being sober or not. I think it all depends on how prone you are to addictions and normality is nothing more than a constant we impose amongst ourselves.
I drink a bit but other than that I just have no desire to get baked out of my mind. I've done it, of course, but it just wasn't for me.

In a society where it's an insult to refuse a drink, it's quite a challenge for me sometimes when I go out with friends. Sometimes it gets to the point where I get pissed off due to their incessant begging me to drink with them, and then I'm the one who looks like an asshole. Not the people who are breaking my dick over the fact that I just don't feel like drinking beer...ME. Finally they've caught on that beer just doesn't taste very good to me, so they usually bring non-alcoholic drinks to parties for me.

Wine is a little different. I drink it and enjoy it, but wine isn't for every occasion. It's not really a social drink.

I'm also quite pragmatic when it comes to drinking. 20 euros could buy me a few books, a cd, a dvd, etc., instead of blowing it all on something I'm going to either vomit or piss out anyway. I also have a bigger appreciation for really good food rather than drink.
I know some people who don't drink and don't do drugs and they are awesome, they have the natural goofiness that the fact that they are always 100% sober, doesn't even matter.
Then, like Brooks said, I also know freaking weirdos that I swear, they are weirdos because they don't do drugs/alcohol/... LOL

With that being said: I personally HATE HATE HATE hard drugs with a passion. I don't tolerate it, I never want to see it.

But when it comes to Weed or alcohol, I couldn't care less if people are doing it or not, as long as they do it in moderation (i.e. dont pass out puking from booze every day nor become lazy idiot stoners)
But having fun with alcohol and weed is awesome.
I sure love my wine.
and beer.
and scotch.

ok ok, and some good California weed.