say something about ... yourself!

Fuckin' A mang. I can grub on some McD's fries...awesomeness.

I dunno if you have it in the states, but I ate "The Mac" value manu or "Il Mac" in Italian. Basically, it was Italian-style turtle bread with beef, lettuce, tomato, and a big slice of swiss cheese. I dunno if it's available in the states but it was actually pretty good. That's another thing about it here: the McD's here has some pretty awesome sandwiches.
the quality of McDonald's is superior in Serbia to any I've ever tried. I think it's because it's considered a restaurant, because it's actually more expensive to eat there than awesome, giant burgers at street kiosks. The Mickey D's here have like marble floors, flat screen tvs, a McCafe coffee shop, internet cafes, clean bathrooms and non-mentally challenged, hygiene-aware young people working.

It's basically like bizzaro world McDonalds.
the quality of McDonald's is superior in Serbia to any I've ever tried. I think it's because it's considered a restaurant, because it's actually more expensive to eat there than awesome, giant burgers at street kiosks. The Mickey D's here have like marble floors, flat screen tvs, a McCafe coffee shop, internet cafes, clean bathrooms and non-mentally challenged, hygiene-aware young people working.

It's basically like bizzaro world McDonalds.

Yeah yeah yeah, It's like this all over Europe, the cleaniness, the fact that they call it a 'restaurant' the marble floors, the TVs, the better quality meat (in Israel they use premium beef at McDonald's like wtf!) but it's still the same crap.

You can't make a white-trash trailer whore a high class lady just by dressing her up in Valentino.
"it's delicious"

You do not have teets?

Today was pretty cool! I found a place here in town that serves really great imported beers and good cigars! Its called Stogies (yay originality. :Smug: ) but its got a good atmosphere. Also had some of this for the first time:
So good. Good beers and good friends!
Weird, I was just talking about cigars with someone recently. I also dislike them severely. They make me spit and stink, they take too long to smoke, and the taste lingers in my mouth for days. Maybe I've also never had a good one, but every time I've had one before, I've never had any desire to have one again.

However, I don't mind the smell when other people are smoking them. In fact, I kinda like it. Puff them things in front of me while I just have some scotch and all is well :)