say something about ... yourself!

I know a guy that's strung out on Methadone (no joke, upwards of 80 pills per day) and has a Masters degree in Bioengineering from UW. He works in Boston now for some company on their research team making six digits. The guy can barely put a sentence together in a social setting, but he's by far and away the smartest person I've ever met on Planet Earth. He's got a nasty terrible drug addiction that absolutely cannot shake, but he's more successful than most everyone else I know.

He's not successful, he's got a nice job and has a natural gifted intellect that he's pissing away every day because of drugs. Sure, right now he's sitting ok, but in ten years where do you think he's gonna be? Dead or homeless if he doesn't kick the habit.

I know people just like this guy and it's just sad. It also pisses me off because they could do so much more for themselves and humanity, yet it's all wasted. And this guy's strung out on methadone? The drug given to drug addicts to help them cope? Sucks to be him but I don't feel sorry for him. I'd give body parts to be able to be as sharp as these people and they choose to throw it away. Fuck them.
Yeah, you've got him pegged bro. You've got this guy and his whole entire life figured out. He's definitely throwing everything away by trying his hardest to get help and actually succeeding (slowly) all while working an important, difficult job and living an otherwise normal life.

I'll give him your phone number so you can save him with your tough love when he inevitably hits rock bottom.

p.s. you totally nailed it while pegging me as a hippy earlier, too. You're amazing at this shit. Tell me more about me, this is fun.
Ok, so why did you even bring it up then?

Imagine where he'd be now if he didn't have that giant monkey on his back. He brought it on himself...I wish him the best but I don't feel sorry for him. If his job is so important and difficult, then maybe a strung out methadone addict really isn't the right man for the job. I can think of, oh, about a million other people who could take his place who aren't addicts. Don't try to make me feel guilty for believing that people should toe the line.
I brought it up because I'm sick of the way you generalize everything all the time. His life doesn't suck and he's not unhappy.
Well then, what's the problem? You made it sound like he's Di Caprio from Basketball Diaries or something, with him barely able to put a sentence together and his godawful drug addiction. Who's the drama queen again?


So lemme get this straight: IN REALITY he's got a methadone addiction but it's under control and he leads a good life with a good job. You could've saved yourself a few minutes of your time by just saying that.

No Kevin. No. This is your way of trying to rebuke my previous statement of never having met a person addicted to hard drugs whose life didn't suck or wasn't unhappy. I'm sure there are a few rock stars out there who absolutely love their mountains of cocaine and kilos of heroin they've got in their mansions in Beverly Hills. The point being that there are exceptions to every rule, but the simple fact is that the majority of heavy drug users use those drugs as an escape from their painful lives. This guy just happens to be a rock star.
Well then, what's the problem? You made it sound like he's Di Caprio from Basketball Diaries or something, with him barely able to put a sentence together and his godawful drug addiction. Who's the drama queen again?


So lemme get this straight: IN REALITY he's got a methadone addiction but it's under control and he leads a good life with a good job. You could've saved yourself a few minutes of your time by just saying that.
The problem is you don't always know every single little thing like you think you do.
Kevin I thought you were supposed to be more laid back and not let people's opinions bother you. What's up with this.

Yep I'm addicted to caffeine too, and I'm okay with it.

Some weird lookin' guy is "following" me on!? I have absolutely no profile info on that website, wonder what makes me interesting enough to follow....oh yeah, probably my tampon review :lol:
The problem is you don't always know every single little thing like you think you do.

I was just going off of what you said, dude. You gave the impression that this guy's a strung-out junkie, knowing full well that I'd say, "Welp, it's his own fault! Fuck him!"...only to pull the carpet out from underneath it all and say, "Weeeelll, he's not really THAT strung out and he's not THAT much of a junkie, so you're a dick Chris for saying what you said!" That's like me saying, "I live in Finland!" and then saying, "Weeeell, NOT REALLY Finland...more like Italy. But it's the same continent so HA!"

Whatever dude. Props to the guy for being so intelligent and trying to get help. I don't pity him because he brought it on himself, though. Just because you want to believe that most heavy drug users are cool people who lead satisfying and productive lives doesn't make it so. I'm not against people who use heavy drugs...I don't even dislike them. I dislike being around them. Just because you're into the drug culture doesn't mean I'm a bad person because I'm not into it. So when I have an opinion about it, just take it for what it is: my opinion. Don't get all uptight about's just my opinion, albeit a harsh one. I've been around drugs and drug users my entire life and I've used them as well so it's not like it's a baseless opinion.