say something about ... yourself!

A story for Derick. I didn't bother telling it this morning because he was halfway sleeping.

So I got up at 2:45 to pee, went in the bathroom, and noticed something large and black at the bottom of Blueberry's tank! I thought maybe it was a discolored piece of gravel that I hadn't noticed before, or a bug, or...something. It was about the size of an average piece of gravel.

Anyway, I decided to go get the fish net and scoop it out, and as soon as I came out of the bathroom to head into the kitchen, Patrick got up from his movie chair and scurried into the kitchen. And just as I was about to go to the cabinet to get the fish net, he went to the cabinet and started doing his thing where he just rustles around in the cabinet to make it look like he's doing something. UGH.

So I stood there with my hands on my hips, and finally he moved out of the way. So I got the fish net, started going back to the bathroom, and he scurried into the laundry room to hide. I know he wasn't doing laundry because his towels were already back in the bathroom, clean and dry. :lol:

UGGGGGHHHHH so all that trouble is pretty much why I couldn't fall back to sleep! :bah:

But anyway! Back to the fish tank. When I scooped out the object and inspected it, I realized it was a HUGE FISH TURD. Then I looked at Blueberry, and his swollen belly was back to it's normal size! Wtf, I don't know how he was able to pass something that large!! But he's definitely feeling better now :p

lol, Blueberry made a blueberry.
put on this rekid:


and did my muthafuckin taxes. yay monies comin :kickass:
I haz new tent and footprint and gearloft and NW Forest pass!

Also, I've heard tell that there may be some hash in my near future this evening :kickass:
so fucking annoyed. There was a contest at my college for a battle of the bands where the grand prize was $300 guitar center gift card, $150 and a spot in the regionals which can get you on a date of the rockstar mayhem fest, warped tour etc. Well I submitted my band thinking we'd have a good shot because we actually are a real band doing shit (3 ep's, played over 60 shows, tons of upcoming shows, young dudes that can actually play our instruments decently, cd distribution deal, decent amount of internet and social networking presence) and the contest said open to all genres but of course, we didn't get picked obviously because we're metal. Instead we got beaten out by 4 jam bands that had a demo, no internet presence, have been around a short while and just generally suck (this band I can actually understand, they have at least a demo and an EP and do a fair amount of touring and don't suck that badly but the next 2 being chose over us is what infuriates me)

I know I shouldn't be angry because it's not surprising they'd discriminate against a metal band but damn, the prizes were so good and we never get a shot at shit like this, we always get fucked in some manner or miss out and it just pisses me off and makes me work even harder to rub it in the faces when stuff does go well for us of the people who shit on us.
Do you know for a fact they didn't choose you because you're a metal band or are you just speculating? That's a pretty profound reaction based on something that may not even be true to begin with.
Speculating based on the fact that we didn't get beaten by bigger bands or bands that were way better than us. I'd be totally cool if we got beaten by some good bay area bands but when we're getting beaten by hobby jam bands most likely formed by SF State hipsters who probably don't care as much as us (come on is it really that hard to network and promote using myspace? thats like the most basic) then it bothers me. I know bands of dudes that go to SF State that I'd be down to get beaten by (MC Lars goes to SF State, Oskorei and others I'm forgetting) but these ones just suck hard ass.
Haha well man... the people that matter in this particular scenario have a very different opinion than yours. Nothing you can do about that.

Just move on. No sense in letting shit like that irritate you. You guys are good and you're gonna be just fine. :)