say something about ... yourself!

On today's agenda:

Freelance work in the AM/early PM
Gym maybe? (or maybe I'll let my muscles relax today after 4 days in a row? we'll see)
Then helping out a PhD student in George Town that is getting her PhD in Languages, with Hebrew as specialty (so she wants to interview me bla bla bla)
Take pooch for a run in the park
Then meeting my friends around 16:00-17:00 at our favorite Pizza place in Arlington, get a table outside, order wine and enjoy this awesome weather.
Sometimes I forget how well you sleep after an amazing meal.

My good friend Lena from back home in Woodstock came to SF to visit, and I took her and her fiancée out to Magnolia Brew Pub in the Upper Haight last night.

Amongst the three of us, we had multiple rounds of incredible cask pumped ales, deep-fried brussel sprouts, tagliatelle with roasted veggies, flounder fish & chips with mushy peas (how bloody English!) and sausages, over electrifying conversation (at the time) I barely remember (now)--though I do seem to recall someone using the word 'triumvirate'.


I slept like a baby.
i masturbate and cry myself to sleep on a daily basis...........

Waiting for word from a Wyoming Real-Estate company to call back here next week. I'll be doing web design for their new website, which includes photography of the homes as well.

Also I am applying to become a Police Officer. I've made a friend that was in the force for the past 4 years and we been talking about it for awhile now. I have a good chance of getting in and when I do I will be going to Basic Training.

My father was a police officer for many years and also his father. Something I have been wanting to do since I was little.

Wish me luck.
Jste na Slovensku?

Yes I am :lol:
But on the day of the gig I am still in US (going for an extended visit at my fiancee's for a couple months), and she lives not that far from Chicago.

I can help with Katatonia and Swallow the sun if you like.

Dont worry, I got em, will be checking em out shortly ;)

Checked first two albums of Katatonia, kinda reminds me of Opeth (and not quite cos of Akerfeldt on the second one), but with a lot less riffage etc. Not bad. Started listening to Discouraged ones, not bad either, this might be even stuff my fiancee might get into (it's not poppy, but it sounds as sth she might enjoy as well :p).
had two of the most delicious egg and veggie sammiches. Looked smth like this

Ah glorious 'Sunday food'.
It would look a tiny bit better with some mayonnaise or dressing or some yummy sauce... Oh lol how glad I am not to be a vegetarian (and my fiancee isnt either :p)... Viva meat :lol:

Anyways, please stop the freakin icelandic volcano from erupting over and over again dammit. If some freakin volcano f*cks up my plans for summer and stuff, I am seriously going to scream :(
Taking my final for my writing class in less than an hour. Jeez I'll be glad for that to be over. Basically we're handed a topic, and have two hours to write a persuasive essay on it.