say something about ... yourself!

Thanks Warrel for twittering the chorus to Matricide on Earth Day. One of the most power metal moments ever for NM, but still kick ass nevertheless. Made my day at work :lol:
That shit goes directly to my cellphone via text message, so I just randomly get a text saying "Earth mother is screaming, we can't live without her", so I thought I had some dejavu thing happening because that was last song I had on last night before going to bed coincidentally...
Stick at it this time, dude! You can do it if you try. Keep your goals short term and before you know it months will have passed! Good luck!
got back from the Hatchet show. Hatchet put on a good set (I had to leave maybe 20 or 25 minutes in to catch a ride to bart but what I saw was legit) but the turnout wasn't so great and people weren't super into it. There were a couple of moments when maybe 4 people would mosh and a fair amount were headbanging but that was it (and for us the amount was even less haha). Still it was cool to see some people I hadn't seen in a while and chill and sell some merch and there were some pretty odd people there haha.
Three things:

1) I have no time for cats that aren't geniuses

2) I just finished my one year anniversary sound engineering gig at the Boom Boom Room; the hardest one yet, with 10 complete and utter badasses sharing the stage. Was incredibly difficult to mix, but I got it sounding killer by the end of the first set.

3) Google's new homepage doodle is the first one that's ever made me stop and say 'woah'. Try clicking the galaxies.
Hullo, hi, hey everyone!

I'm Dave and I'm a lumberjack. I heard this is the place to say something about myself, so here goes!

I like big, manly things, like tractors, power utilities, cars, sandals and great, muscular men wearing corsets. My hobby is taunting Czech people in foreign languages and getting completely lost in unknown places.

I am apprehensive about male genitalia, as phalli can be used as potent weapons. Seriously. I turned around once and almost knocked my girl's eye out. I also have an inexplicable fear of chick peas and malodorous feet. My cousin has smelly feet. I only know that because we went on a trip once, and while we were gazing at a moose, serene and hairy in it's natural habitat, we wrote a song entitled "The Foot of All Evil".

But enough about myself. I'm taking my ball and going home.
Today was actually incredibly awesome. I talked to my buddy who is a WA State Employment lawyer this morning and it was determined that the recent issue with the company I work for and it having lack of funds to pay me allows me to be considered laid off. So, I filed my unemployment claim and composed an E-Mail to my ex-boss informing him about the filing and that I will be returning all company assets that are currently in my possession, while BCCing my buddy. I've contacted a couple of my previous clients to let them know that I am no longer with the company and contacted a partner of the company (that I set up) to tell them the news. They may even offer me a job here in the near future.

Aside from that, I went to the chiropractor for the first time in my life. My chiropractor is a client of mine and we're actually going to trade: he treats me, I take care of his computer shit. My back is all sorts of fucked up but apparently fixable. Mmmm, the path of having more energy is in sight.
Been off drugs since I turned 20 Saturday, now I've got an interview today at Outback Steakhouse. Hope I get it, I hate my current job.

I think it's an interview anyway. I don't actually know... When I got the application, the girl working there told me to turn it in Tuesday or Thursday between 2-4. That makes me think they might interview on the spot. Does anyone know?