say something about ... yourself!

I'm selling my ENGL SE E670 6L6.

The Fryette Sig:X is also on my list of amps I'm interested in.


fuck! I'd definitely buy that from you if I had money now, you want $2,500 for it? That's an awesome deal, the amp I want to get when I have money is $3,500; our other guitarist used it on our most recent recording and even with just fiddling with it for a short amount of time it sounded so thick and crunchy.
plus it looks totally sweet when it lights up haha
Good job John. Now literally fuck that shit up. Work so hard it makes all the other employees look bad.
No bars, this is my fourth day off of drugs. (Remember I already have a job that I just quit for this new one.) I've had bars being popped right in front of me and offered to me, I'm oath bound to Odin this time. I will never pop another bar.

As for weed, well...I don't know when I plan on doing that again. I want to see if there's any noticeable different in my attitude and behavior off of it. And more importantly anxiety. If my anxiety get better off of weed I'll stay off it. If there's not much difference, might as well toke up.

I didn't fake anything, haha. I was just surprisingly on point with the questions, and also lucky there's only three bussers working there right now. I'm gonna work my ass off. Thanks for all your support!
You should start faking the accent. It'll attract business. I'll never go to an Outback Steakhouse because nobody does the fucking accent, which seems to be the selling point of the commercials since the steaks look like shit.