say something about ... yourself!

Brooks I rescind my earlier comment. Please do everything I would do and also more, tonight.

And write a report tomorrow! I'm still not sure if I'm gonna go to the show here in Seattle. Hopefully you will convince me!
had a great show tonight. hung out with some old friends, had a huge pit, our first guitarist showed up and moshed and wished us well, a girl we know took pictures (which i plan on posting here once i get them of course) and people really loved our set and we got a better reaction than any of the bands. Plus I got to teach my friend some guitar, play with his cat and even get a ride all the way back to my house from my drummers brother who lives a block away from me. Great night.
I'm going to barf before I go to bed tonight, I just have that feeling and I'm not sure why. I've rushed to the bathroom at least 3 times thinking it was the inevitable explosion but nothing happened. weird.