say something about ... yourself!

Nirvana was way better than most even know.
My friend let me borrow his tape of the live record, 'From The Muddy Banks...' and it blew my brain away.

They may have been a little too polished in the studio by label-recruited hot-shot producers, but Nirvana, especially live, was fucking awesome.
Better than most even know.
Nirvana was way better than most even know.
My friend let me borrow his tape of the live record, 'From The Muddy Banks...' and it blew my brain away.

They may have been a little too polished in the studio by label-recruited hot-shot producers, but Nirvana, especially live, was fucking awesome.
Better than most even know.
Nirvana had some good tunes, but they most definitely didn't deserve the adoration they got over bands like AIC and Soundgarden. Most of Nirvana's best songs were ones that weren't released as singles on Nevermind...songs like On a Plain, Drain You, Lounge Act, Stay Away, and Territorial Pissings. As for In Utero, the only songs I liked were Heart-Shaped Box and Pennyroyal Tea. On Bleach, School. That's about it, yet they had the adoration of millions because they couldn't play their instruments very well. Go figure.
That's about it, yet they had the adoration of millions because they couldn't play their instruments very well.

Do you really think that's why they had millions of fans?

I didn't 'qualify' my statement, because if one were to take the time to listen to some of those live bootlegs released as the Muddy Banks... record, it'd be pretty clear how powerful of a live band they were.

There's not a person alive that thinks Dave Grohl was, and is, anything less than a badass on the drums. Krist was an in-the-pocket bassist, and Kurt was a Jim Morrison-like charisma, and knew how to rock; they could all play their instruments, and play them quite well.

No, they had the adoration of millions because they cut right through the bullshit of the current popular, pompous cheese metal, hair glam horseshit that was permeating the radio and television at the time.

Like I did say, the studio records were polished by producers, and not a real representation of what the band was - like most bands worth a shit.

Nirvana were the 90's Ramones, bringing rock music back to it's ultimate, original roots: a guitar, a voice, and something to say. Nirvana was a real band in a sea of incredible poseurs.

And this is coming from someone that also hated Nirvana passionately til about 4 years ago.