say something about ... yourself!

No joke, Dahveed. Its not because im a "metalhead" do i not like Nirvana. The band was pretty much ruined for me by a total fanboy i knew in highschool. :Smug: It has nothing to do with metal.
Does anyone else think that Nirvana doesn't sound like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Mother Love Bone, Janes Addiction etc? Am I alone? That whole "Alice in Chains, The Melvins, Pearl Jam were playing the sound better and before Nirvana" is total rat shit. Nirvana was way more energetic, less 'sludgy' and definitely had less metal undertones and more alternative rock than those bands. If you play Pearl Jam and Nirvana every other song, back to's clear as daylight that the two have little in common other than drop D tuning, same city, simplicity, emotional singing.

Is that why Kurt Cobain tried to join The Melvins but was turned down? Is that why he claimed that Soundgarden was one of his biggest influences? You do know that they had more albums before Superunknown, right?

Alice in Chains wasn't a grunge band...they were basically a metal band with bluesy, hard rock influences that got thrown in with the rest of the Seattle Sound bands because they were in the same city. You had bands like Tad as well who got next to no recognition but were pretty much the foundation grunge was built upon. And as far as Nirvana being less sludgy...have you ever listened to Nirvana? In Bloom, Come As You Are, Lithium, fucking SOMETHING IN THE WAY, Dumb (great song btw), Pennyroyal Tea...

Again, I'm not slamming Nirvana...once again, I LIKE Nirvana. I'm just saying that their fanboys and girls in the media the world over conveniently have glossed over the other bands in that scene while trumpeting how groundbreaking Nirvana was, when all they were were a continuation of the evolution of the Seattle grunge scene...the very scene that Nirvana single-handedly killed. However, without Kurt Go-bang's suicide, we may have never had great albums like AIC's self-titled, Soundgarden's Superunknown, and Screaming Trees' Sweet Oblivion, although the latter came out a year before his death. There's another phenomenal band and amazing singer almost completely lost in the hubub of Nirvanamania due to the media's overhyping of Nirvana. He was our Tom Waits.

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Is that why Kurt Cobain tried to join The Melvins but was turned down? Is that why he claimed that Soundgarden was one of his biggest influences? You do know that they had more albums before Superunknown, right?

Alice in Chains wasn't a grunge band...they were basically a metal band with bluesy, hard rock influences that got thrown in with the rest of the Seattle Sound bands because they were in the same city. You had bands like Tad as well who got next to no recognition but were pretty much the foundation grunge was built upon. And as far as Nirvana being less sludgy...have you ever listened to Nirvana? In Bloom, Come As You Are, Lithium, fucking SOMETHING IN THE WAY, Dumb (great song btw), Pennyroyal Tea...

Just because Kurt Cobain tried to join the Melvins, doesn't mean he had an intention making Nirvana to sound just like them. Kurt did the right thing by not trying to copy that band and did his own style in Nirvana. Soundgarden may have been an influence but he chose to write his own style. Sure there are similarities due to the slower, driving rhythms but I think that whole "grunge" scene is just a term for the city. As far as the 80s albums before Super Unknown, it's been forever since I really heard any of that and I wasn't the biggest on it in the first place. If it sounds quite like the Nirvana off Bleach, Nevermind, In Utero then I stand corrected.

For sludge, Nirvana had alot of open strummed chords and some groove that was just flat out loud rock it wasn't really like the Melvins shit where it's heavy and almost doomy. Come As You are, lithium, Pennyroyal aren't really fitting to what I have in mind. In Bloom is closest but not really.
Neal and Dead guys ROCK for posting those Life Of Agony songs. River Runs Red will be always be a SICK fucking album. Love the groove hardcore crap. Call me a tough guy I don't care.
This one's from the late 90's, right as grunge pretty much died, but they kept the sound. This song was so cool...I still dig it.

I also loved this band of Scots, Schtum:

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