say something about ... yourself!

Well, I've not heard back from yet, which is unfortunate, but I have a new lead on a Help Desk position at a big IT company in town. It's the same place where a couple of the guys I train jiu-jitsu with work. As with any referral job lead, it sounds promising now. We'll see what comes of it in the near future. All I know is I really want it because they have "Free Beer Friday" at that company and I think I can get behind an idea like that!

Other than that, life has been trudging along at a typical pace, never fully going in any one straight direction. I think my life prefers the scenic routes :)
Is there anyone in the world who seriously likes The Darkness? I mean, I might go to one of their shows, but just for a laugh. Same reason I'd go see Spinal Tap.
I can't remember the song, but the solo in one of their most famous songs is's basically him making fun of every shredder by slowly and scholastically ascending a single scale. I thought that was brilliant. But yeah, I think most people liked The Darkness because they were funny, not because they wrote really good music. But that's just my opinion. It was one of those bands that was popular to say you like them, like Tenacious D.

I liked Tenacious D before it became a 00's stereotype.