say something about ... yourself!

Yeah I can totally see that, they just did it with the 80's music instead of the 70's.

Srsly, there was a lot of boring ass music in the 70's as well as some of the greatest performers in all of mankind's history. I think they pigeonholed themselves.
Dude ... OMG ... the issue there is They really play THAT kind of music. I know them personally. In fact Russ will be at my house to track a solo for my next cd

Steel Panther takes what they do VERY seriously and that's unfortunate.
Oh yeah? Well guess what buddy! They played numerous shows for the radio station I work for and we've all sang on stage with them and I spoke to them personally and hung out with them and drank with them backstage every time and OMG I KNOW THEM TOO ITS SOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!
"Cause' I'm holding my own" was the only song from The Darkness that I liked. To get their music is to travel back in time to 2003/2004 when that type of music wasn't as popular. Only then Mars Volta would inspire alot of fans to get into prog/psych rock and further interest in classic rock. Next thing you knew, scenesters were talking about "Can" and "King Crimson" like bro, brah, shit, totally, like like, totally, yeah, whatever Can yeah, Can. Fucking suck it.
"Cause' I'm holding my own" was the only song from The Darkness that I liked. To get their music is to travel back in time to 2003/2004 when that type of music wasn't as popular. Only then Mars Volta would inspire alot of fans to get into prog/psych rock and further interest in classic rock. Next thing you knew, scenesters were talking about "Can" and "King Crimson" like bro, brah, shit, totally, like like, totally, yeah, whatever Can yeah, Can. Fucking suck it.

:lol: That was brilliant.

Are Americans really back to saying "bro" and "brah" like in the 80's, as a serious term of endearment?

Oh dear.
Oh yeah? Well guess what buddy! They played numerous shows for the radio station I work for and we've all sang on stage with them and I spoke to them personally and hung out with them and drank with them backstage every time and OMG I KNOW THEM TOO ITS SOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!

Haha Kevin snapped.:kickass::kickass::kickass:
:lol: That was brilliant.

Are Americans really back to saying "bro" and "brah" like in the 80's, as a serious term of endearment?

Oh dear.

Yeah...I think it really started stirring up here in So Cal then next thing you know kids from Texas, Wisconsin and like South Dakota are talking like "yeah like totally bro, whatevz" being all metrosexual
It's like the Heineken commercial with the washing machine and the new house. And then toga parties? Seriously? The college bachelor theme was worn out about 20 years ago. What's next, slap bracelets? Preps and jocks?
Nah, Nanowar just does covers of famous metal tunes and change the vocals. Some of their stuff is funny but in a very Italian, stupid way.