say something about ... yourself!

Well, I've not heard back from yet, which is unfortunate, but I have a new lead on a Help Desk position at a big IT company in town. It's the same place where a couple of the guys I train jiu-jitsu with work.
Had a phone interview today for this IT job. It was... rough. I don't know shit about IT, although he did say it's not a huge deal because they will want to train me anyways. I think the best thing I have going for me here are the strong referrals from my friends who work there and have said good things of me.

Still haven't heard from ESPN and my gut's tellin' me already that I doubt I'll hear from this other place either.

Ah well, such is life!
Listen, dudeth, you're as cool as they come. If nobody wants you then fuck them. You'll find something. Ebb and flow. Follow it where it goes.

Sincere good luck!
Had a phone interview today for this IT job. It was... rough. I don't know shit about IT, although he did say it's not a huge deal because they will want to train me anyways. I think the best thing I have going for me here are the strong referrals from my friends who work there and have said good things of me.

Still haven't heard from ESPN and my gut's tellin' me already that I doubt I'll hear from this other place either.

Ah well, such is life!

Dude IT is simple... shit if I can do it anyone can

If you can use a keyboard and a mouse you can do 50% more then the people calling for help

Hell man I am at work right now and look what I am doing ;)
Yeah, I know I can do it too. It's just that my current lack of knowledge made me sound really terrible in this interview. But the guy did say that the two people there have said strong things about me and that I can learn fast and that's what's most important to him. We'll see, but I'm not holding my breath.
Scored a mint Lite Ash Tele for a great price. Pretty stoked, they've been out of production for some years now.

Listen, dudeth, you're as cool as they come. If nobody wants you then fuck them. You'll find something. Ebb and flow. Follow it where it goes.

Sincere good luck!
Missed your reply initially. Thanks for the good words! I definitely agree that if they don't want me, fuck em. I know what I'm capable of and I know that ebb and flow is the way of the world and that believing this way has never let me down before. I'm not worried.

As I said before, such is life. I'll be ok :)
It's 4:15am and I'm up struggling to finish an essay on the American Revolution that has to be handed in noon tomorrow ¬_¬ The French Revolution was so much more interesting to write about.
The secession was also 100% legal. Read up on how we circumvented our own laws and rules by declaring that war.
I got my 4th stripe on my white belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu tonight.

Next promotion is a blue belt. There's a tournament coming up in July. This is a chance to prove I deserve blue.

Someone's gettin' fucked up in July.