say something about ... yourself!

You'll come to realize someday that your prior years were just a learning experience to prepare for where you're at currently.

It really does get better as you get older. I miss my youthful enthusiasm and non-jadedness, but I feel much more experienced and wise now. I honestly feel like my thirties will be my best decade yet.
Had a phone interview today for this IT job. It was... rough. I don't know shit about IT, although he did say it's not a huge deal because they will want to train me anyways. I think the best thing I have going for me here are the strong referrals from my friends who work there and have said good things of me.

Still haven't heard from ESPN and my gut's tellin' me already that I doubt I'll hear from this other place either.

Ah well, such is life!
IT company called today, I haz in person interview next week. haha man. :kickass:
Also, the feelings of wishing you could have accomplished more when you were younger will always exist, no matter now much you really do accomplish. Part of getting older is realizing, understanding, and accepting that.
Why can't you drink anymore?

I began having heart palpitations even after one beer or one shot. It wasn't isolated either, I tried randomly over a few weeks and it kept happening. Went to the doc' and he said it's either too much physical exertion, too much booze, or too much caffeine. I can't help the physical part, it's my job. I only have one cup of coffee a day. So that only leaves alcohol. I'm so pissed. I'm a month totally sober, and the urge does NOT go away.

And no, I can't have red wine either (though it's supposed to be good for the heart)
I began having heart palpitations even after one beer or one shot. It wasn't isolated either, I tried randomly over a few weeks and it kept happening. Went to the doc' and he said it's either too much physical exertion, too much booze, or too much caffeine. I can't help the physical part, it's my job. I only have one cup of coffee a day. So that only leaves alcohol. I'm so pissed. I'm a month totally sober, and the urge does NOT go away.

And no, I can't have red wine either (though it's supposed to be good for the heart)

I have similar problems, but they can't find any medical problem. I have my own suspicions, though.

Every form of drug I've ever taken reached a tipping point where my body seemingly rejected it and I couldn't do it again. I feel like my body may be doing this for alcohol now. :erk:
Really? I've been so stressed I wasted my teenage years with drugs and it would all be downhill from here.

Although 20 has been the best year of my life since 14, so far.

Dude, if anything, teens and early 20's SUCK. You're just out of high school or not finished with college or haven't yet built up enough work experience to be useful to society and everyone seems to know what's best for you and that your opinion doesn't matter because you happen to fall into the tween category. You could cure fucking cancer at 20 years old and no one will care. What's more, you're actually surrounded by the idiots who give your age group a bad name, and they are en masse.

Trust me, life is sooooo much better in your late 20's/early 30's. Not only from an outside perspective but also from your own. It's not that you stop giving a shit, it's just that you stop worrying about things that you used to worry about. Also, your tastes and choices will change and you'll start to see life slow down a little bit and be able to enjoy it more. However, be careful because actually life goes faster the older you get, so be sure to take everything in while you can or tomorrow you'll wake up and you'll be 50, wondering where all the years went.
going to the mighty booze store for mead, crappy weather, crappy day, and mostly because this tickles so much....
Just got home to my mom crying her eyes out.

Turns out my dad only has very little time left to live. I love him to death but it just hasn't sunk in yet. I should be crying but I feel nothing. Not nothing I just don't know.

I didn't cry when my grandfather who I lived with died when I was 13 either. And I walked in on him dead.
Yeah dude i was the same way, I was completely oblivious to the fact that he was gone, i was more concerned about what was going to happen to his Diablo II characters and what not (I was 10 mind you :p) but it hit me like 3 months down the road, but even then it only happened occasionally. i really think it's just the way people take death, lots of people cry a lot but theres a few like us that it just doesn't hit that hard. I have a feeling a while down the road it will hit you like it did me.

I've had so many close family members die within a few years of each other that death doesn't seem to effect me a whole lot these days, i feel like an emotional robot but i have come to the conclusion that thats just how I handle death. My grandmothers the real trooper she lost one husband then my remarried and lost that husband then lost her daughter then my dad along with most of her family over the years, and she's still all happy and grandma like as hse used to be wich perturbs a little bit :p